<“살아계신 하느님의 인호“ 9주년 기념일>
2012년 2월 20일 월요일 오전 아주 이른 시간에 하느님 아버지께서 마리아 천주자비에게 발현하시어 메시지를 하나 주셨습니다. 성부님께서는 이 메시지를 통해 “살아계신 하느님의 인호“라고 불리는 특별한 기적의 선물을 주셨으며, 이것은 신자들이 어디에 있든 그들 모두를 보호해 줄 것이라고 말씀하셨습니다.

347. 아버지 하느님: 지금 일어나서 나의 인호 즉 살아 계신 하느님의 인호를 받아라.
2012년 2월 20일 월요일 오전 0시 20분
사랑하는 내 딸아, 내 자녀들의 죄 때문에 내 마음은 슬픔에 차 있다. 인자한 여느 아비와도 같이, 서로에 대한 그들의 사악한 증오가 내 마음을 두 갈래로 가르는구나. 그것은 심장을 찌르는 칼과 같고, 사라지지 않을 것이다.
나는 지존한 하느님이며, 나의 모든 자녀에게 부여한 자유의지 때문에, 지상에서 새 낙원이 전개될 때까지 내가 이 고통을 계속 받게 될 것이다.
그때가 되면, 너희는, 내 자녀들아, 나의 거룩한 뜻과 일치하여 결합되리라.
그것이 일어날 때까지는 지상에 평화가 있을 수 없다.
악마와 그자가 약속하는 거짓을 노예처럼 따르는 자들이 파멸되어야만, 마침내 세상이 고요해질 수 있다.
내 딸아, 나는 내 자녀들을 사랑하기에, 그들에 대한 징벌의 생각을 내가 즐겨하고 있지는 않다고 말해 주어라.
그들은 내 것이며 나의 소중한 창조물이다. 악마가 그들의 영혼을 어떻게 타락시켰는지를 보는 것은 그들의 사랑하는 아버지인 나에게는 끊임없는 고통이다.
나는 너희에 대한 나의 사랑을 알면서 이해하는 애정 어린 자녀들인 너희 모두를 나의 아름다운 새 지상 낙원으로 데려가기를 열망한다.
박해는 신속할 것이며 너희는 보호될 것임을 내가 약속한다. 지금 나의 사랑과 보호의 ‘인호’를 하사한다. 이 인호로써 너희는 너희 나라들에서 어려움을 야기하는 자들의 주목을 피할 수 있을 것이다.
나의 인호는 구원의 내 약속이다. 나의 권능이 이 인호를 가진 너희를 통해 치솟을 것이며, 아무런 악해도 너희에게 미치지 않을 것이다.
이것은 기적이며, 자녀들아, 마음속에 내게 사랑을 품은 어린 자녀로서 그들의 주님이며 만유의 창조주인 내 앞에서 경배하는 사람들만 이 신성한 선물로 축복을 받을 수 있다.
지금 일어나서, 나의 인호, 즉 '살아 계신 하느님의 인호(Seal of the Living God)'를 받아라. 나의 인호를 인정하고 사랑과 기쁨과 감사의 마음으로 받아들이기 위하여 이 십자군기도(33)를 바쳐라.
"오, 저의 하느님, 사랑하올 아버지, 저는 하느님께서 주시는
신성한 보호의 인호를 사랑과 감사의 마음으로 받사옵니다.
하느님의 신성이 저의 몸과 영혼을 영원히 감싸나이다.
사랑하올 아버지이신 당신께 겸손히 감사드리며,
엎드려 경배하고 깊은 사랑과 충성을 바치나이다.
이 특별한 인호로써 저와 제가 사랑하는 사람들을
보호하여 주시기를 간청하며, 저는 제 생명을 다 바쳐
영원히 하느님을 섬길 것을 서약하나이다.
저는 인자하신 아버지이신 당신을 사랑합니다.
이러한 시대에 저는 자애로우신 아버지께 위로를 드리나이다.
세상의 죄에 대한 보속과 하느님의 모든 자녀들의 구원을 위해,
저는 아버지께서 지극히 사랑하시는 아드님의 몸과 피,
영혼과 신성을 아버지께 바쳐드리나이다. 아멘. "
가라, 내 자녀들아, 그리고 두려워하지 마라. 너희 각자를 사랑스럽게 창조한 너희의 사랑하는 아버지인 내게 의탁하여라.
나는 각각의 영혼을 알고 있으며, 너희의 모든 부분을 다 알고 있다. 너희 중 어느 누구도 다른 사람들보다 덜 사랑받지 않는다.
그렇기 때문에 나는 한 영혼도 잃어버리고 싶지 않다. 단 한 영혼도.
부디 계속 매일 나의 하느님 자비심의 기도(Divine Mercy Chaplet)를 바쳐라.
언젠가는, 너희가 이 정화가 왜 필요한지를 이해할 것이다.
너희들의 사랑하는 천상 아버지
지존하신 하느님
PS. “살아계신 하느님의 인호“를 통한 신적 보호의 선물의 중요성에 대한 진리의 책 메시지
FEB 21 2012 God the Father: You are either for Me or against Me. The choice is yours.
"I will offer My Seal of Protection on the foreheads of all those who believe in Me. . . . If you accept My Seal of Love you will be within My protection at all times. This protection will cover your families. . . . To those who know Me, and accept My Seal, know that you will have eternal life."
FEB 22 2012 Fasting is important for your souls
"You, My followers who accept the Seal of the Living God are blessed."
FEB 29 2012 Don't you know that the Holy Spirit cannot and will not enter those with hardened hearts?
"Never forget to pray to My Father as often as you can for the Seal of the Living God in order to protect you and your families."
MAR 08 2012 God the Father: My Seal of Protection is foretold as the second seal as broken
"Children do not be afraid. No harm will come to those who wear My Seal, the Seal of the Living God. Satan and his fallen angels, who infest the world at this time, do not have the authority over those who have the mark of the Living God. You must listen to Me and accept My Seal for it will save not only your lives but your souls. Recite the prayer to receive My Seal every day. Ensure that each member of your family and loved ones understand the significance of My Seal."
MAR 14 2012 Love is more powerful than hatred
"When you love Me I will take you into the arms of My Father who will place the seal of protection around you and your family.
MAR 21 2012 Tell humanity that all is now in My Most Holy Hands
"All believers who have My Eternal Father's Seal of Protection, the Seal of the Living God, will come to no harm."
MAY 16 2012 Second Seal: World War 3
"My daughter, I realise that this news may come as a shock but remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers. . . . My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies. Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it Blessed by a priest."
MAY16 2012 Virgin Mary: My visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray in order to avert the dangers associated with a world war.
"The gift of the Seal of the Living God will be your biggest protection at a time of war or strife. By pledging allegiance to God the Father, through the acceptance of this free gift, you will remain free."
MAY 16 2012 Set up prayer groups devoted to Jesus to Mankind
"Never forget the importance of the Seal of the Living God. It will offer you and your family protection, not just in spirit but a physical protection also. You are blessed to receive the Seal and it is your duty to ensure that as many of God's children everywhere receive it."
MAY 17 2012 Virgin Mary: This Seal was foretold in the Book of John
"My child, God's children will be able to protect their faith, their courage and their safety during any war if they continue to pray the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer. This is one of the last, and the greatest Seal of Protection, sent from the Heavens of all prayers given to humanity. It is to help sustain all during any future persecution, especially at times of domination and war. This Seal was foretold in the Book of John and has many divine powers associated with it. Cherish it and use it to protect, not only yourselves, but your families."
JUN 01 2012 666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.
"The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline. When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark. You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan's army."
JUN 13 2012 A pledge of allegiance to the Divine Will of God the Father
"My dearly beloved daughter just as My Eternal Father bequeathed the Great Gift to humanity of His Seal so, too, must His children pledge their allegiance to His Divine Will."
JUL 06 2012 One third of the earth will be destroyed as the angels pour fire from the four corners of the Heavens
"The Seal of the Living God will protect each and every one of you."
JUL 08 2012 Be warned. The new world religion will seem, on the outside a good and holy organisation full of love and compassion.
"My sacred servants who remain loyal to me will have to hold secret Masses or face imprisonment. They will gather in force and, filled with the Holy Spirit, they will continue to feed God's children with the Food of Life. They must ensure that all those they lead are offered the protection of the Seal of the Living God."
JUL 15 2012 God the Father: I will wipe out their false churches, their wicked cults, their false idols, their cities and their nations
"Never fear because those with the Seal of the Living God are not only protected but are given the graces to defend the Word of God so that as many souls as possible will be given the Gift of Life."
JUL 17 2012 Once The Warning takes place there will be much confusion.
"Ensure that you keep Holy Water in your homes and a Benedictine Cross from now on along with the Seal of the Living God hanging in your home. All of these will protect your family."
JUL 20 2012 The world will soon be presented with the most deceitful lie which is impossible for mankind to grasp at this stage.
"You, My followers, remember, are protected at all times by the Seal of the Living God. You must spread the Seal and get it to as many people as possible."
AUG 01 2012 Virgin Mary: I ask of all God's children to, once again dedicate the month of August to save souls.
"Please keep The Seal of the Living God close to you in your homes in the coming months for much will unfold."
SEP 11 2012 The New Era will be heralded by My Second Coming. The time is short.
"Go make it your mission, My disciples, to spread My Litanies, especially the Grace of Immunity prayer. Go, also, and tell people about the Seal of the Living God and the Plenary Indulgence for the forgiveness of sin."
NOV 01 2012 You have been given the armour. Use it.
"You, My strong army, are blessed and you are protected with the Seal of My Father, the Seal of the Living God."
NOV 06 2012 God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the Earth at this time
"My Seal must be shared."
NOV 21 2012 One half will not deviate from the truth. The other half will twist the truth.
"Please spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere. It must not be sold. It must be available for everyone. Pass copies to all those who need to be protected."
NOV 22 2012 God the Father: I offer you the most perfect future
"In order for you to enjoy My New Paradise on earth, you must accept My Hand, as it reaches out to you. Do not be afraid for I cover all those who honour Me, their Eternal Father and My Precious Son, with My Seal."
DEC 10 2012 I will judge the Living and the Dead and only those who are worthy can enter My Kingdom
"All the plans by My Father to envelop His children and cover them with His Seal of Protection are in place."
MAR 20 2013 Just as the blind cannot see, there will be those amongst the Church in Rome who can see, but who will refuse to acknowledge the Truth
"You, My beloved followers, are protected by the Seal of the Living God and so you must never fear."
APR 04 2013 Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul
"When you are forced to suffer and accept the mark of the beast, or die, you will scream out for Me. Then you will scramble to find the Seal of the Living God, which I give to the world through My Father in these Messages – but by then it will be too late. Only those who accept the Seal, keep it in their homes, or carry it on them will be protected. Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul."
MAY 11 2013 The miracles I promised the world, through My Crusade Prayers, will increase
"My protection must be sought out and the Seal of the Living God must be given to as many souls as possible."
MAY 21 2013 When the time comes for the beast to reveal the antichrist, great signs will be seen
"By then My Holy Spirit, poured out amongst My followers, in all of My Christian Churches, will ensure that they are ready. They, along with My disciples from this Mission will form the Remnant Church. Their power will be great and no harm will come to those with the Seal of the Living God. Their power will come from the Prayers given to them by My Mother and in the Crusade Prayers."
AUG 05 2013 Mother of Salvation: This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge
"I, the Mother of Salvation, will protect such refuges and by the placement of the Seal of the Living God given to the world by my Father, on the inside walls, they will remain invisible to the enemies of God."
AUG 23 2013 Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian
"I urge you to keep all holy objects, rosary beads, blessed candles, holy water, a copy of the Bible and the holy daily Missal along with the Crusade of Prayer book. You must keep the Seal of the Living God in your home and on you if possible. My Medal of Salvation will convert those who wear it and they will be shown Mercy by my Son. I now request you, child, to have the Medal of Salvation produced now and a Scapular of the Seal of the Living God made."
AUG 23 2013 God the Father: Children we are but just a short time away from the Great Day
"Finally accept My Seal as one of the greatest Gifts I have given humanity since I gave them Life. I give Life again with My Special Graces when you hold close to you, the Seal of the Living God. All those with the Seal are granted a place in the New Paradise."
AUG 30 2013 Great rejoicing will take place everywhere. This will last 100 days.
"But if you prepare now, you will become immune to the suffering which he [the antichrist] will inflict on the world, by taking the Seal of the Living God and keeping it in your homes. When the Word of God, the true Word, is made known to you, you must stop and listen, for it will lead you to the gates of the New Heaven and the New Earth."
SEP 21 2013 Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted
"It is these innocent and suffering people who will be given the protection of God if they have the Seal of the Living God. Never underestimate this free Gift from God. The Seal of the Living God will protect you from physical and spiritual death during wars. Please get this to as many people as you can in every nation."
OCT 11 2013 Relax, all of you, and know that God is ever powerful and that no act, however evil, cannot be trampled on by Him
"You must always keep the blessed Seal of the Living God in your homes and in whatever format you can, in order to carry it with you also. This will protect you from any kind of persecution and you will gain the strength necessary to remain true to God and everything which is laid down clearly in the most Holy Bible. . . . Those of you who choose to respond to My Call are blessed. You, in turn, through your act of love for neighbour, will spread the Seal of the Living God everywhere you go."
OCT 19 2013 The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre
"All those who wear the Seal of the Living God will escape the clutches of the antichrist and become immune to the horror. Do not ignore this warning. Do not fear it for if you follow My instructions, you will be protected."
MAR 23 2014 What good is it to Me if a man is brought before Me dragging and kicking his heels? It is useless.
"When I gave you My Word, it was My Desire that all souls be saved. In order to be saved, you must not be selfish and attend only to your own souls. You, My beloved followers, have a duty to share the Gifts I bring you now, through these Messages, to others. Share My Love with others and especially your enemies. Pray for all those who need My Intervention. Treat them with patience. When you give them My Gifts, My Prayers and the Seal of the Living God Protection, then you must withdraw and allow them time to turn to Me."
MAY 05 2014 The Book of Truth will be the antithesis of the new false book
"The Seal of the Living God will protect you against the Mark of the Beast and the Medal of Salvation against the heresy, which will tumble out of the mouths of My enemies, who will seize My Church on Earth."
JUN 07 2014 The faith of the clergy will be trampled upon by the greatest enemy of God ever to walk the Earth - the antichrist
"The faithful will comfort each other and by My Grace they will be given the Gifts from God, needed to protect themselves against persecution, including the Seal of the Living God, which will enable them to overcome the opposition they will face when Christianity will be brutalized."
AUG 23 2014 I will arm My angels and chosen ones to do battle with those who denounce Me
"The purification of man continues for without the suffering of willing souls, many people would be lost. Only then, when all things seem unbearable, will those with the Seal of the Living God, be given the relief from their sufferings which will blight humanity including sin, wars, famine and disease."
SEP 29 2014 God the Father: My Love will conquer evil and hatred.
"I ask that you place all your trust in Me and keep My Seal of Protection, in any form, close to you."
NOV 09 2014 I will salvage 5 billion souls because of this Mission
"I desire now that each of you recites from this day, and every day from now on, Crusade Prayer number (33) and that you keep a copy of the Seal of the Living God close to you. Many people who may not be aware of this Mission may also receive the Protection of the Seal when you pray for them, as you recite this prayer. All of God's children who have the Seal of the Living God will be immune to the troubles, which will come as the Great Tribulation unfolds. I ask that you do this today for I promise you great protection against the persecutors of the Christian Faith and the upheavals, which will be witnessed across the four corners of the earth."
NOV 21 2014 Mother of Salvation: I have a Message for the Roman Catholic Clergy
"I ask that you pray My Most Holy Rosary daily to give you the strength you will need and for protection from Satan, because those times ahead, which are almost upon you, will become unbearable. By keeping the Seal of the Living God prayer close to you at all times, you will receive extra Protection from the evil one."
FEB 13 2015 My Mission to save humanity is almost complete
"You have been given the Gifts of the Seal of the Living God, the Medal of Salvation and the Crusade Prayers. They will be your armour against My adversary."