Submissions by Members
August 2013
The Devil and Garabandal
by Rev. Robert Lewis, M.A.
The Devil and Garabandal.doc (39936)
July 2013
The Portiuncula Indulgence is a favor granted by Our Lord to Saint Francis of Assisi in July 1216—when Jesus and Our Lady appeared to Saint Francis while he was praying for the salvation of souls in the little church of the Portiuncula. Our Lord said: “Francis you are very zealous for the good souls. Ask me what you want for their salvation.”
Francis responded: “Lord, I, a miserable sinner, beg you to concede an indulgence to all those who enter this church, who are truly contrite and have confessed their sins. And I beg Blessed Mary, your mother, intercessor of man, that she intercede on behalf of this grace.” Our Lord accepted Francis’ request but directed him to ask the Holy Father, on our Lord’s behalf, for this indulgence.
Francis and a companion hastened to Pope Honorius III and asked him to “proclaim that everyone visiting the church and confessing their sins with a contrite heart would be as pure from all sin and punishments as he was immediately after baptism.” The Pope granted the indulgence not only for Portiuncula but for all parish churches throughout the world for one day each year (from Noon on August 1 until Midnight on August 2).
Conditions for obtaining the Plenary Indulgence of the Forgiveness of Assisi (for oneself or for a departed soul) are—
• Sacramental confession (during eight days before or after).
• Participation in the Mass and Eucharist.
• Recitation of the Apostles’ Creed, Our Father, and a prayer for the pope’s intention.
In the 13th century, it was revealed to Saint Margaret of Cortona that the souls in purgatory eagerly await the Franciscan Feast of Our Lady of the Angels because it is a day of deliverance for a great number of them.
(Information above summarized from Praying with the Saints for The Holy Souls in Purgatory by Susan Tassone.
A slightly different version of this story can be found at Both sources confirm a Plenary Indulgence.)
July 2013
Three part series on the Kelly Bowring book The Great Battle Has Begun.doc (55808)
May, 2013
Over 50,000 Rosaries already registered for May 3rd - 5th prayer event
MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE (U.S.A.) - (March 6th, 2013) - The Saint Michael the Archangel Organization has recently contacted approximately 300 bishops, archbishops, and cardinals in an attempt to get them involved in the May 3rd - 5th, 2013 ONE MILLION ROSARIES FOR UNBORN BABIES prayer event.
April 3rd, 2013
From the link below, you could find an intelligent pro-MDM review from Dr. Kelly Bowring who's written great books on the Times we live in - plus a Professor of Theology w/ a Doctorate!
March 1st, 2013
A very nice and good prayer-initiative for all Cardinals during the coming weeks:
What about you? Do you feel the same way too?
- Are you infinitely thankful to God for having given us such a wonderful, wise and benevolent pope in Benedict XVI.?
- Do you sincerely hope that the Church will be granted a worthy successor: a rock of faith, a leader open to the Holy Spirit, a pope prayerful and holy?
- Do you as an important part of the Body of Christ wish to contribute through the power of your prayers so that the Holy Spirit may guide, protect and enlighten our Cardinals when they determine the next successor of St. Peter?
You now have the opportunity to actively be part of this providential endeavour by having a Cardinal assigned to you, who you will support through your prayer and intercession during the coming weeks before and during the conclave and for three days following the election.
Click the "Adopt" button below to adopt!
Currently 156007 people have adopted a Cardinal!
20.February 2013
I pray and say "thank you" to Pope Benedict XVI
It's time to give back: Say a prayer and join this list (to be printed and handed over) as thank you to Pope Benedict XVI for having been such a great Holy Father!
February 2013
An interesting article about the 800 Italian martyrs of Otranto was published on . It has a very symbolic headline for the future of the Catholic Church because their canonization was one of the main- topics of the meeting in the vatican on February 11th 2013.
How the 800 Martyrs of Otranto Saved Rome
(February 11th 2013)
Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry. I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering. However, in today’s world, subject to so many rapid changes and shaken by questions of deep relevance for the life of faith, in order to govern the barque of Saint Peter and proclaim the Gospel, both strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months, has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me. For this reason, and well aware of the seriousness of this act, with full freedom I declare that I renounce the ministry of Bishop of Rome, Successor of Saint Peter, entrusted to me by the Cardinals on 19 April 2005, in such a way, that as from 28 February 2013, at 20:00 hours, the See of Rome, the See of Saint Peter, will be vacant and a Conclave to elect the new Supreme Pontiff will have to be convoked by those whose competence it is.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
From the Vatican, 10 February 2013
January, 2013
Ireland, Dublin - February 21
Tralee - February 22
Cork - February 23
Italy, Pavia - January 27
Assisi - February 2
Ivan -
Argentina - March 4, 6
Uruguay - March 8, 9
Ivan -
MA, USA - April 12, 13
January 13th, 2013
Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic participates in international Holy Land pilgrimage for healing of humanity on August 19-27 "=!§, and will have three public apparitions in Bethlehem, inside or outside Church of the Nativity. Other apparitions to Vicka will take place at other holy sites.
the full article:
very interesting interview with Vicka --->
Medjugorje visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic confirms joining the international project "Maranatha"
January 12th, 2013
a member sent us photos and an article (published in Facebook) from St. Padre Pio:
St. Padre Pio - Undecayed Body now on Display - died 40 yrs ago
more photos and the article:

The Promises of Eucharistic Adoration
January 7th, 2013
Jesus said to Catalina: “I promise to the soul that visits Me
frequently in this Sacrament of Love, that I will receive it
affectionately together with all the Blessed and the Angels in
Heaven, and that each of its visits will be written down in the
Book of its Life and I will grant to it:
1) Every petition that is presented before the Altar of God in
favor of the Church, the Pope and consecrated souls.
2) The annulment of Satan’s power over its person and its loved
3) Special protection in case of earthquakes, hurricanes and other
natural disasters which otherwise would affect it.
4) It will be lovingly withdrawn from the world and its attractions,
which are the cause of perdition.
5) The elevation of its soul, desiring to attain sanctification, in
virtuous eternal contemplation of My Face.
6) Relief of its loved ones from the pains of Purgatory.
7) My blessing on every material and spiritual project it undertakes,
if they are for the good of its own soul.
8) The receiving of My visit in company with My Mother at the
moment of its death.
9) To listen to and to look after the needs of the persons for
whom it prays.
10) The intercession of the Saints and Angels at the hour of its
death, in order to diminish temporal punishment.
11) That My Love will cause holy vocations consecrated to God
among its loved ones and friends.
12) That the soul which preserves a genuine devotion to My Presence
in the Eucharist will not be condemned or die without the
Sacraments of the Church.
“To the priests and nuns that propagate the devotion of Adoration,
I will grant many special graces, the complete recognition of
their sins and the Grace to amend them. I will help them to form
communities of devout and holy faithful, and they will attain
many privileges.
“I promise these things to all persons, under only two conditions
which are the fruit of genuine love towards My Real Presence in
the Eucharist, and which are absolutely indispensable for My
promises to become a reality in their lives:
a) That they strive to preserve the dignity of My Altars.
b) That they be merciful towards their neighbor.”
Source of Promises: From the book "In Adoration” by Catalina Rivas that
received an Imprimatur from Mons. Cristóbal Biaiasik, Bishop of the
Dioceses of Oruro, Bolivia.
January 2013
a member sent us an interesting article:
Signs And Portents
by Pat Archbold Wednesday, January 02, 2013 4:47
Have you heard about the brilliant comet that is to pass Earth toward the end of this year? They say it will be so bright in the sky, as bright as a full moon, that this is not only a once in a lifetime astronomical event, but a once in a civilization astronomical event.
Read more:
December 30th, 2012
a member sent us promises to those who have devotion to the Way of the Cross.
Promises of the Stations
These Promises, made by Our Lord to those who have devotion to the Way of the Cross, were revealed to Brother Estanislao, a saintly young Spanish Brother of the Christian Schools (1903–1927). Next to the Mass, the Way of the Cross is the most beneficial prayer for the Souls in Purgatory.
1. I'll grant every thing that's asked of Me with Faith, when making The Way of The Cross.
2. I promise Eternal Life to those who pray from time to time, The Way of the Cross.
3. I'll follow them everywhere in life and I'll help them, especially at the hour of death.
4. Even if they have more sins than blades of grass in the fields, and grains of sand in the sea, all of them will be erased by The Way of The Cross. (Note: This promise doesn't eliminate the obligation to confess all mortal sins, and this, before we can receive Holy Communion.)
5. Those who pray The Way of The Cross often, will have a special glory in Heaven.
6. I'll deliver them from Purgatory, indeed if they go there at all, the first Tuesday or Friday after their death.
7. I'll bless them at each Way of The Cross, and My blessing will follow them everywhere on earth and, after their death, in Heaven for all Eternity.
8. At the hour of death I won't permit the devil to tempt them; I'll lift all power from him in order that they'll repose tranquilly in My Arms.
9. If they pray it with true love, I'll make of each one of them a living Ciborium in which it will please Me to pour My grace.
10. I'll fix My Eyes on those who pray The Way of The Cross often; My hands will always be open to protect them.
11. As I am nailed to the Cross, so also will I always be with those who honor Me in making the Way of The Cross frequently.
12. They'll never be able to separate themselves from Me, for I'll give them the grace never again to commit a Mortal sin.
13. At the hour of death I'll console them with My Presence and we'll go together to Heaven. Death will be sweet to all those who have honored Me during their lives by praying The Way of The Cross.
14. My Soul will be a protective shield for them, and will always help them, whenever they have recourse.
December 2012
An interesting article about the latest Chrismas-message in Medjugorje.
Commentators: Message is a major sign
By Jakob Marschner on Dec 26, 2012
The Christ Child speaking instead of Mary on Christmas Day signifies major changes around the apparitions,
5th Nov. 2012
Mary to appear four times in Lebanon (November 15th - 18th, 2012) :
In mid-November, Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic will have four apparitions of the Virgin Mary in Lebanon. A Cardinal, an Archbishop and two Bishops preside over the events. The visit comes at a time when political stability is lacking and Lebanon houses 100,000 Syrian refugees.
2nd November 2012
Posted on Facebook: King of Mercy CANADA
Chaplet of St. Gertrude - Save 50.000 souls from purgatory
During one of her visions Jesus told ST. Gertrude that the following prayer would release
1000 souls from purgatory each time it is said:
'Eternal Father, I offer Thee the most precious blood of thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the Masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the universal church, those in my own home and within my family’
Approval and Recommendation by Cardinal Pahiarca, Lisbon, Portugal, March 4, 1936.
If one prays the entire St. Gertrude Chaplet (see below), which is said on an ordinary rosary, Our Lord releases 50,000 souls from purgatory each time it is said!
How easy it would be to empty out purgatory if we each prayed this form of the rosary just once a day!
How to pray the Chaplet of Saint Gertrude
The Chaplet of Saint Gertrude is prayed on an ordinary Rosary.
Beginning at the Cross, pray the "Apostle's Creed".
This is followed by 1 "Our Father", 3 "Hail Mary" and 1 "Glory be".
Starting on the Medal and then on the 4 large beads between each decade (sets of 10 beads), pray the "Our Father."
On each of the small beads (in the sets of 10 beads), say the following prayer:
"Eternal Father,
I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus,
in union with the Masses said throughout the world today,
for all the holy souls in Purgatory,
for sinners in the universal Church,
those in my own home,
and within my family.
At the end of each set of 10 beads, say the following prayers:
"Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
open the hearts and minds of sinners
to the truth and light of God, the Father."
"Immaculate Heart of Mary,
pray for the conversion of sinners and the world."
and 1 "Glory be."
Then on the next large bead start again with the "Our Father".
Repeat above to the end of the Rosary.
Copy this to your MS Word and print this out, it can save 50.000 souls from purgatory each time it is said. Thanks to MS_Suveyor.
May the merciful Jesus bless you
October 2012
posted on facebook "King of Mercy Europe"
October 26th, 2012, 07:45 ·
THIS IS A VERY INTERESTING DEVELOPMENT, let us pray that their initiative bears fruit!
Strasbourg, October 24, 2012 — On October 23, 2012 Father Nicholas Gruner of the Fatima Center in Canada and Catholic attorney and author Christopher A. Ferrara of the United States appeared at the headquarters of the EU in Strasbourg, France, to speak in support of a motion for a declaration by the EU Parliament calling upon Pope Benedict XVI to carry out the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
The motion is being sponsored by two members of the Parliament of the European Union, the Honorable Mario Borghezio and the Honorable Lorenzo Fontana, who invited Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara to speak in its support at the time of its official introduction.
The motion refers to the threat of "great danger at the present time to world peace and the serenity of all European peoples" and notes that "the Blessed Virgin Mary has promised a long period of prosperity and peace, if and only if, the Holy Father will consecrate Russia in a solemn and public manner, as precisely specified by Her in the Message of Fatima."
The motion provides for a declaration by the EU Parliament formally requesting that "His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI... fulfill the will of the Queen of Heaven" by performing the Consecration in order to address European and world problems.
Speaking before the international press corps in the press hall of the EU Parliament headquarters in Strasbourg, Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara made presentations in support of the measure, including a discussion of the content, undeniable authenticity, and absolute urgency of the Fatima Message for the Church and humanity at large. They were introduced by MPs, Borghezio and Fontana, who appeared with them at the press conference.
"This was a God-given opportunity to advance the cause of Our Lady of Fatima in a forum whose deliberations will have considerable impact at the Vatican. MEPs. Borghezio and Fontana are to be commended for their courageous defense of the Blessed Virgin before a hostile world. I pray the motion passes and the EU Parliament calls upon the Pope to do his duty," said Father Gruner.
"I believe we succeeded in making a case for the Consecration of Russia that would appeal even to rational non-believers, who have nothing to lose by voting in favor this measure," said Mr. Ferrara.
The motion has been lodged with the EU Parliament as an official legislative document and will become part of the public record of EU proceedings. It has already attracted the signatures of a growing number of additional sponsors in the Parliament, including members from Italy, Austria and Ireland.
September 14th 2012
The Benefit That Family Members And Creatures Will Receive
From Remaining Around and Close To The Souls Linked To Luisa
From The Writings Of Luisa Piccarreta
“The Little Daughter Of The Divine Will”
--> The Benefit That Family Members And Creatures Will Receive Being Close To Souls Linked To Luisa.doc (31 kB)
August 24th 2012
Prodigies of the Divine Will in the Blessed Virgin Mary
From the Writings of the Servant of God,
Luisa Piccarreta,
54 pages ---> ProdigiesoftheDivineWillintheBlessedVirginMary.doc (307 kB)
August 22nd 2012
Excerpts from the Book of Heaven Honoring Mary as Queen of Heaven and earth
----> TheQUEENSHIPofMary.doc (66 kB)
(words of Our Lord given to Luisa Piccarreta in 1925)
"My dear and beloved children,….
If you will give Me your will, all is done. You will make Me happy, and you will be happy; I long for nothing else than My Will Reign in your midst. Heaven and earth will smile at you. My Celestial Mother will be Mother and Queen to you. She knows the great good that the Kingdom of My Will shall bring to you, to satisfy My ardent desires, and make Me stop crying. And loving you as her true children, She goes around in the midst of the people, throughout the nations to dispose them and prepare them to receive the dominion of the Kingdom of My Will.
It was She who prepared the people for Me, to make Me descend from Heaven upon the earth; and I entrust to her Maternal Love to dispose the souls and the people to Me to receive a Gift so great. Therefore, listen to Me; and I beg you My children to read these pages that I place before you with attention; and you will feel the need to Live with My Will. I will be beside you when you read, and I will touch your mind, your heart so that you understand and resolve to desire the Gift of My Divine "Fiat."
Happy Feast of the QUEENSHIP of Our Blessed Mother in the Most Holy Divine Will!
August 19th 2012
Tonight Ivan had an apparition at the Blue Cross (around 10:00 pm August 17, 2012). (...) This is a direct translation of the message shared by Ivan:
This evening Our Lady came to us full of joy and happiness and at the beginning as always she greeted us with her motherly greeting: "Praise be Jesus, my dear children!" After this Our Lady for a while with extended hands, prayed here over all of us. She prayed especially over the sick who were present. After this she blessed all of us with her motherly blessing, and blessed everything that you brought here to be blessed.
After this Our Lady said:
"Dear Children! Also today in a special way I call you to pray for my priests - my beloved ones, pray for bishops and for the Holy Father. Pray, dear children, for my shepherds. Pray more than ever before! Your Mother is praying together with you, and she is with you, therefore persevere (rise up) in prayer and pray together with me, for my intentions. Thank you, dear children, that today you have responded to my call."
And after this I recommended all of you and all your intentions, all of your families, and in a special way, all the sick. After this Our Lady continued for a while with extended hands to pray over all of you here present and generally for priests. After this in prayer she left in the sign of light and the cross, with the greeting: "Go in peace, my dear children!"
August, 2012
a member sent us the link of "mothersprayers":
Mothers Prayers was formed to help those mothers who wished to pray together for their children and grandchildren and to find the support they needed:
July, 2012
a female member sent us a submission about:
Portiuncula Indulgence - August 1 & 2
Attain the plenary indulgence of the forgiveness of all temporal punishment due to sin already forgiven in honor of Our Lady of the Angels anytime during the 24 hours between Vespers on August 1 through August 2. This indulgence was obtained by St. Francis of Assisi himself from Jesus and approved by Pope Honorius III in the 13th century.
more information: --->Portiuncula Indulgence-text.doc (43 kB)
a female member sent us informations about a new US-prayer group:
Our Lady of America prayer group - to save our nation
Everyone is invited to join and pray!
My dearly beloved daughter I must emphasize, to all those who believe in Me, that is important to pray for each of your nations. To do this effectively you must set up prayer groups. …
If even a hundred people could recite three or more Rosaries, they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one….
Under the patronage of Our Lady of America, a prayer group was created to answer the request from Heavens to pray for our nation, pledging our allegiance to Holy Divine Will of God the Father – (59) Crusade Prayer
A Pledge of Allegiance to the Divine Will
O God the Most High, O Heavenly Father, I pledge to You my firm allegiance to honor and obey You in all things united to Your Divine Will on earth. I, through the Sacred Blood of Your only beloved Son, the True Messiah, offer You my mind, my body and my soul on behalf of all souls so that we can unite as one in Your Heavenly Kingdom to come, so that Your Divine Will is done on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
Based on the messages given to the prophet Maria Divine Mercy
we pledge to pray everyday:
Holy Rosary, the best, if - Four Mysteries – 20 decades of the Holy Rosary*
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Read Crusade Prayers
Our protection is The Seal of the Living God, hanging in our home, we keep also Holy Water and a Benedictine Cross
June 2012
a member sent us informations about the Brown Scapular:
How the Brown Scapular Can Help You
If you or someone you know are in need of special protection in situations such as the ones directly below or any others, a Brown Scapular is an excellent thing to request through this site to provide you extra protection. Some examples of instances where someone may want to wear a Brown Scapular:
- You are in the armed forces
- You are about to take an extended drive
- You work in a dangerous career
- You are about to fly on a plane
- You are about to undergo an operation
- You are out of work or live on the street
- You are incarcerated (in prison)
- You live in a dangerous area
More information:
a member sent us:
Why Blessed Salt?
Blessed Salt
an interesting article from Rev. John H. Hampsch, C.M.F. ---->
May, 2012
parts of a submission of a member:
“My grandfather was a member of the masons, and my mother was a member of Eastern Star. Are there ramifications to the soul for belonging to those organizations? Also, is there any truth to the idea that their descendants would suffer because of their affiliation with organizations not in line with God?”
These are excellent questions that probably apply to thousands, if not millions, of Americans.
Prayer Of Renunciation Of Ancestral Sins
(Since no one can know for sure what his ancestors may have done, every Christian should pray this prayer. Authorities in Spiritual Warfare report that ancestral issues are the number one cause of demonic harassment in the lives of people.)
Dear Heavenly Father. I come to You as Your child, purchased by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I here and now reject and disown all the sins of my ancestors. As one who has been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, and strengthened by the intercession of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, of Blessed Michael the Archangel, of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, and all the Saints and Angels of Heaven, and powerful in the holy authority of His Name, cancel out, O Lord, all demonic working that has been passed on to me from my ancestors. As one who has been crucified with Jesus Christ and raised to walk in newness of life, cancel, dear Lord, every curse that may have been put upon me and announce to Satan and all his forces that You, the Christ, became a curse for me when You hung on the cross. As one who has been crucified and raised with Christ and now sits with Him in heavenly places, I reject any and every way in which Satan may claim ownership of me. I declare myself to be eternally and completely signed over and committed to the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, I ask You to command every familiar spirit and every enemy of the Lord Jesus Christ that is in or around me to leave me and to go where Jesus Christ tells these evil spirits to go. I now ask You, heavenly Father, to fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I submit my body as an instrument of righteousness, a living sacrifice, that I may glorify You in my body. All this I do in the name and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
He also recommends more specific deliverance prayers found in the book by protestant author Selwyn Stevens,
Unmasking Freemasonry – Removing the Hoodwink. Jubilee Publishers, PO Box 36044, Wellington 6330, New Zealand. (See for very specific prayers of renunciation regarding Freemasonry.)
“I have in my possession a Catholic adaptation of those prayers which takes a person through a renunciation and breaking of the effects/oaths etc. involved in all 33 degrees and both rites,” Father said. “What these prayers reveal clearly are the specific oaths/curses involved as well as the false gods that are called upon . . . This is why participation and its long term effects are taken SO SERIOUSLY.”
I’m hoping that this information will be of help and healing to souls who have become involved in this organization, especially those who believe it’s “just a guy’s group” who think that because they don’t take the oaths seriously they’re somehow not affected by the evil inherent in the Lodge. If this sin can be passed onto innocent ancestors, imagine what it does to the souls of these so-called “disinterested” members!
Prayer of Release for Freemasons & Their Descendants
new website of a priest about "the little daughter of the Divine Will" Luica Piccarreta :
Some valuable publications on this website are for example:

The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
by the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta - little daughter of the Divine Will
The Little Daughter of the Divine Will

The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta the Little Daughter of the Divine Will
a female member sent us wonderful audios from Medjugorje (for example from P. Slavko)
04/01: a member sent us the following article:
By Deacon Richard Tappe
I was therefore astonished as Dad related the following to me. He said that the previous night he was again awakened to find red light in his bedroom. This time there were three lights instead of one. He said he again got up and looked out the window to discover whether the light could be emanating from outside the bedroom. He said he even closed his door and the curtains to eliminate the possibility. He then again sat on the edge of his bed to smoke a cigarette to make sure he was awake. After the cigarette was put out he said, “I looked into the lights and suddenly the bedroom disappeared and there was Heaven. And there sat Vera on a throne. She was wearing a beautiful blue robe and looked as she did when she was about 30 years old but even more beautiful. There was a great light shining on her from beyond the edge of what I could see. Also standing beside her was an unrecognizable person all made of light. I thought it was her Guardian Angel. Seated on her lap were four children. I said to Vera, “I recognize the two sitting on your knees as Roger and Patricia (my brother the first born of my siblings, and my sister Patricia the last born both of whom died within one week of their birth) but who are the other children sitting on your lap?” And Vera said, “These are the two children we lost through miscarriage. They do not have any names. What do you want to call them?” Dad answered,, “Joseph and Mary.” Dad then said that standing near Vera’s side was a little girl. Dad asked, “Who is the little girl?” And Mom answered, “This is Katherine, the little girl that Phyllis and Richard lost through crib death." (She was our daughter who we lost at seven months.) Next my Dad said, “Then I saw the most amazing thing. Below Vera, beside her on both sides, and above her, as far back as I could see there were millions of babies. All of them looked different. And I asked Vera, “What are all these babies?” And she answered, “We got these from the abortion chambers.”
The second involves Dad’s vision of the aborted babies in Heaven. My mother was an ardent right-to-life activist, literally from the time of the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion in the United States.
03/18: a member sent us:
Dear MDM prayer group members,
I want to share you how I collect my prayer intentions and how I pray for each of them.
I have a small 64 page note book which I use to list my prayer intentions. Whenever I get a new prayer intention, I list it down. For example, if somebody dies, I write the name of this person on the prayer intention book. So each day when I pray the Rosary, I say each bead (e.g. one hail Mary) to one prayer intention. In one mystery of the Rosary (e.g. the sorrowful mysteries), I pray for 71 prayer intentions (6 our father, 53 hail mary, 6 Glory be.., 6 Fatima prayer). Whenever I go to church for holy Mass, I take the prayer intention book with me and I put it infront of me during the holy Mass. I ask Jesus to bless the intentions. I ask also the gardian angles of each souls to pray for them. Since last year, I listed 107 death cases on my prayer intention book. 107 is not the actual number of the death cases. It is just an aggregate. N.B. If I say those killed by “9/11 terrerist attack in USA”, then I take this as a single case. If I cover the
first 71 cases in one Rosary one day, then the next 71 cases will be covered by the next day’s prayer. This way I cover all the listed prayer intentions on my book. Once I prayed for all the prayer intentions until the end, then I start again from the beginning. I list on my prayer intention books not only cases related to death, but also others like healing, peace, conversion, protection of our Pope, stop abortion, etc. This is how I collect my prayer intentions and how I pray for each of them. I hope some of you will find it helpful.
So dear MDM prayer group members, this way I planned to pray for each intentions continously until the end of my life on earth. May the blessed virgin Mary help me! I need also your prayer help to be successful in this plan.
God bless you all! "Z"
03/05/2012 a female member sent us two articles about the visonary Marija (Medjugorje):
Marija’s apparition on February 26th 2012 in Riva del Garda, Italy
Photography: Tempo Nuovo
The apparition begins at 4.35
Be entirely focused on Heaven, and do everything with Heaven in mind. Then the difficult things in life become less difficult, Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told a great turnout of people in Riva del Garda, Italy, on February 26.
more Informations: MARIJA TELLS ITALIANS TO LIVE FOR PARADISE 26 th February 2012.doc (49 kB)
The Virgin Mary will appear close to her earthly homeland when visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti has public apparitions in Beirut on March 10 and 11.
MARIJA COMES TO LEBANON IN MARCH (10th - 11th).doc (72,5 kB)
A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience
A good Catholic Catholic examination of conscience can be a great help in making a new start in the life of faith.
We use an examination of conscience to help call to mind our sins and failings during a period of quiet reflection before approaching the priest in Confession.
It's important for a good Catholic examination of conscience to be thorough. This will help you learn about things that you may not be aware of. It's also a chance to develop your conscience. This is a critical aid for the beginning Catholic.
To make an examination:
- Set aside some quiet time for reflection.
- Start by praying to the Holy Spirit, asking for help in making a good examination to prepare for Confession.
- Read through the items on this list and honestly reflect on your behavior for each item.
- If necessary, take this list or some brief notes (keep them private!) to Confession to help you remember things.
A Catholic examination of conscience traditionally follows the outline of the Ten Commandments and the Precepts of the Catholic Church.
more detailed informations ---->A Detailed Catholic Examination of Conscience.doc (68 kB)
a female member sent us:
"The Lord reminded me that we do not utilize our Guardian Angels in the ways that we should. We can send them to Mass for us, to adoration of the most Blessed Sacrament, and we can also ask them to pray with us. I invite you, my brothers and sisters, to start asking your Angels to lead a nightly prayer vigil with your soul while your body rests. I was given grace to ask this and personally I know it is happening. When I roll over half awake I catch myself mumbling prayers and when I wake up in the morning I am just a little more tired than normal, but it is well worth it. I always state my intentions too which normally consists of all of the warning websites intentions. Let us not only unite together, but let us have our Angels help us and unite as well! God Bless!"
a female member sent us: Benedictine College’s Prayer Campaign for Religious Liberty
Lay Catholics, priests, bishops, nuns, and Cardinals have all joined together to reject the new Health and Human Services Department plan to force all health insurance plans to cover contraception, including abortifacient contraception.
And while signing petitions, getting the word out, and writing your elected officials are all important, please don’t forget one thing we can all do — pray.
Following the model of Blessed Mother Teresa’s original Memorare Army and responding to Kansas City Archbishop Joseph Naumann’s request, Benedictine College is launching a national Memorare Army prayer campaign in hopes of gathering pledges for 1 million memores for religious liberty and stronger Catholic identity in public life.
Archbishop Naumann has been one of the most vocal opponents of the mandate and now famously said, “We cannot — we will not — comply with this unjust law.”
Benedictine College stands in solidarity with Archbishop Naumann. In fact, the three principal officers of the College — the president, dean and chief financial officer — all submitted testimony to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services protesting this regulation. Benedictine College was one 18 colleges that joined with The Cardinal Newman Society in a joint appeal.
“As an institution of higher education, our mission is the education of men and women within a community of faith and scholarship,” Dr. Kimberly Shankman, dean of Benedictine College, wrote at the time. “While the inculcation of religious values is not our primary purpose, (and, therefore, we do not qualify under the exceptionally narrow definition of a religious organization contained within the regulations) nevertheless, adherence to the tenets of our faith is an obligation central to our identity as a Catholic college.”
Click here to join the Memorare Army (= Please share this important prayer campaign with friends via Facebook, Twitter and e-mail.
In the evening of June 18, 1961, four girls were playing on the outskirts of the town - Conchita Gonzalez, Maria Dolores (Mari-loli) Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez and Maria Cruz Gonzalez (not related despite having the same name.) Maria Cruz was eleven, the others twelve, and all were from poor families.
Suddenly they heard a loud noise, like thunder, and saw before them the bright figure of the Archangel Michael. On the following days the Archangel appeared to them again in the same place. He announced that on July 2 they would see Our Lady. This was the beginning of the Garabandal events..... the whole story: -----> Garabandal.doc (52,5 kB)
Father's Love Letter
God loves you. Here are over 50 Bible verses to prove it
*** Save it for the time of Lent and read one verse each day.
Maybe even reread it many times a day as a meditation for the day.
a female member sent us:
"You may want to consider adding this link to your site. Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament is presented live via webcam from the Chapel of Divine Love in Philadelphia, PA. USA a source of perpetual Eucharistic adoration by the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters since 1916. Through this website anyone can visit our Lord and spend time in adoration regardless of where they are (home, sick, elderly, working.) The Sisters also promote a World Wide Rosary campaign and have people from many countries participating. Although it is only one day a month it unites us all over the world strengthening our prayers and flooding heaven with rosaries as requested by the Blessed Mother."
A female member from Ireland emailed us her excerpt from:
"The secret Power of the Rosary" (Excerpts from this new book, Dictated by Our Lady to Barbara Kloss (A polish Mystic) Google on “the secret power of the Rosary by Barbara Kloss, a polish mystic.
- The Rosary should be the joy of your hearts,...the brightness of your thoughts,...the desire of your will...the link joining and connecting you with should be a bottomless mine of treasures, which I give you through my Immaculate Hands hidden in them. From you should come only the will of receiving it and reciting it, the offering of time, a humble and prayerful disposition and a bit of effort in concentration and recitation.
Do not begrudge this,...or push it aside, that somehow it will fit in the last quarter of the day.The rest that is everything else – is the action of the Holy Spirit, which lets us recognise the Saviour in His Mysteries, and gives love to the Father which brings about that souls all ablaze with the embers of the love of God, become receptive to embrace and immerse oneself in the love of God.....
the whole text of the excerpt (2 pages) ---> The secret Power of the Rosary (Barbara Kloss).doc (40 kB)
interesting Informations about H.B. Kloss:
If you scroll a little bit down you will see the title:
MARY TV will stream right here Ivan's apparition LIVE!
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012 - Streaming begins at 5:30 pm EST!
(Apparition Time approx. 6:40 pm)
Please spread to your email list!
a female member from Ireland emailed us:
"Emmanuel House of Providence is under the ecclesiastical authority of Bishop John Kirby of Clonfert. The buildings are sited about 300 metres from the Cathedral. A beautiful new oratory has been built, and a large meeting hall was built in 1988 and extended in 1996. A tearoom and toilet block have since been added. The old stone farm buildings have been renovated to provide living accommodation, office, shop and other facilities.
In 1990 Eddie and Lucy Stones moved to Emmanuel House with their family in response to God's call. The following year God called the Cullen family to a new ministry in Wisconsin, USA, their work of getting Emmanuel House off the ground now complete. Michael was ordained a deacon of the church on Sunday, 11 May 1997 and is responsible for a number of parishes in the diocese.
The vision of Eddie and Lucy Stones for the centre is that it is a spiritual hospital where people can experience the healing power of God in spirit, mind and body."
a male member sent us:
Dear fellow followers of Jesus Christ Our Lord, I have come across this Saint, who in the time of 1600,s was given Messages from our
Lady concerning the 20th and 21st centuries and the sins and evil that would plague the Church and World some 400 years later, maybe people are aware of this Saint,( Saint Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres and her messages).
I just like to forward this information onto you, as a help for all the members who are following MARIA of Mercy Messages, as I am, and will continue to do in these very Dark times.
The FEAST day is the 2nd of February. and the Novena starts 24th January for nine days. OUR LADY OF GOOD SUCCESS.
The web site address is , giving you the Novena and all relevant information one may need.
(Messages very very similar to Maria of MERCY messages.)
two members emailed us:
MARY TV will stream right here Ivan's apparition LIVE!
Tuesday, Jan 31, 2012 - Streaming begins at 5:30 pm EST!
Please spread to your email list!
!!! Novena to Our Lady of Medjugorje !!!
"On January 31, 2012, Mary TV will stream Ivan's visit to St. Joseph Parish in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The event will begin at about 5:30 pm, Eastern Standard Time. Ivan expects his apparition with Our Lady at about 6:40 pm.
St. Joseph Parish has prepared a novena to be prayed before January 31, as a preparation for Our Lady's coming. It is a beautiful novena adapted for this occasion by Sr. Chela who works at the parish there in Kalamazoo!(…)
I am sending the entire novena today, so you can print it out and prayit each day, starting January 22 - Sunday! This is a wonderful way to prepare for Our Lady's visit to us all over the internet!” ------> Novena to Our Lady of Medjugorje.doc (46 kB)
a female member emailed us:
5th February 2012: Unite in prayer for the unborn babies
This is "L." from Malta. Do you remember when I have asked that we should set up a specific date to unite in prayer against abortion as we discussed beneath? We have arranged a date, the 5th February. I suggest that on this specific date we will all unite in prayer for the unborn babies threatened by abortion. It will be nice if all of us will be able to recite the Rosary of the Unborn. One will be able to obtain this special Rosary from It is very important to have this special Rosary. It is so powerful that each Hail Mary (from the rosary of the unborn) said from a loving heart will save a baby from abortion. Approximately 125,000 babies are killed worldwide daily. I have strong faith that if we pray it all together with a loving heart, we will destroy abortion. Lets be a voice for these little angels and fight for them to terminate this violent war. Please do visit to learn more about this powerful Rosary thankyou.
Regards "L.".
a female member emailed us:
Please help spread the message of Our Lady manifested in Elyria, Ohio, USA, from 25 years)
This is the message of Divine Mother: ONE ROSARY OF DAY FOR LIFE - AGAINST ABORTION
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." (Our Lady is in white and gold.)
She says: "Dear children, it is important that you realize that abortion is the key issue which is bringing about the demise of mankind. If abortion was defeated, the path of reconciliation between the heart of the world and God the Father would be laid bare. Then you would see wars cease, economies stabilize under righteous leadership, moral degeneration reversed, disease and famine greatly resolved and natural, as well as manmade disasters, lessen."
"For I tell you, evil begets evil. Remember, dear children, one Hail Mary said from the heart can stop wars, heal diseases, change hearts and bring victory of righteousness over evil. Therefore, I have come to mobilize an Army of Prayer - not just here, but around the world. I call it ONE ROSARY A DAY FOR LIFE. This is your Heavenly Mother's call to arms. Be united in this effort, dear children, as I call you to be. Jesus and I will help you spread 'One Rosary a Day for Life' around the world."
"You do not need anyone's approval to pray or to evangelize prayer. You should encourage people from every part of the world to enlist in this 'army' of prayer."
"I am always your Mother, your support, your partner in all that is good; but this Army of Prayer must be spread quickly to be effective - and, so, it is My most precious and personal project."
"Make it known."
a member wrote us:
"Take a look at this Church in Poland. It is really beautiful."
a female member emailed us:
BLESSED SALT: Father Hampsch, a psychologist and renowned Claretian priest, points out that as a Catholic sacramental, salt blessed by the liturgical prayer of a priest may be used by itself or mixed with holy water (reminiscent of Elisha's miracle). "In whichever form," he notes, "it is intended to be an instrument of grace to preserve one from the corruption of evil occurring as sin, sickness, and demonic influence. The blessing promised by God on food and water, as well as the prevention of miscarriages and agricultural catastrophes (Exodus 23:25-26), was extended by God through Elisha in Jericho (Kings 2:20-21), when he was inspired to put salt into the contaminated water. This first miracle of Elisha is the primary Scriptural basis for the sacramental use of blessed salt today, as the Roman Ritual indicates.
a male member sent us:
"Here is the Eucharistic Rosary given to +Fr Jean-Marie Kozik on September 19, 1970:
On crucifix: Credo, Pater, Ave
On 50 small beads: "O Jesus, really present in the Most Holy Eucharist, with Mary, with my brothers, I adore Thee, I love Thee, I unite myself to Thee."
After each decade: Gloria
End with Hail Holy Queen
Our Lady promised this chaplet would be a great help to those who have to make a difficult confession.
She also strongly advised souls who make reparation to recite this Eucharistic Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament exposed."
a member sent us:
Hello to all,
I want to share the following prayer. To me, it feels so appropriate for our prayer group and Jesus' intentions. This is put out by the Priests of the Sacred Heart ( and can be found in their little "Daily Prayers" book.
Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Most Sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before Your altar. We are Yours and Yours we wish to be, but to be more surely united with You, behold we freely consecrate ourselves today to Your Most Sacred Heart.
Many indeed have never known you; many, too, despising Your precepts, have rejected You. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to Your Sacred Heart. Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken You, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned You. Grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house lest they die of wretchedness and hunger.
Be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd.
Grant, O Lord, to Your Church, assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give peace and order to all nations, and make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the Divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to Him be glory and honor forever. Amen.
a female member emailed us:
Pope Benedict XVI’s Christmas Eve Homily Prayer
O mighty God, you have appeared as a child and you have revealed yourself to us as the One who loves us, the One through whom love will triumph. And you have shown us that we must be peacemakers with you. We love your childish estate, your powerlessness, but we suffer from the continuing presence of violence in the world, and so we also ask you: manifest your power, O God. In this time of ours, in this world of ours, cause the oppressors’ rods, the cloaks rolled in blood and the footgear of battle to be burned, so that your peace may triumph in this world of ours.
a member emailed us:
I thought this would be a great devotion to our prayer group. The link below contains a devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus, which includes the Golden Arrow Prayer; written down by Sister Marie de Saint-Pierre for an act of Praise and Reparation dictated by Our Lord.
Christmas Anticipation Prayer
Beginning on St. Andrew the Apostle's feast day, November 30, the following beautiful prayer is traditionally recited fifteen times a day until Christmas. This is a very meditative prayer that helps us increase our awareness of the real focus of Christmas and helps us prepare ourselves spiritually for His coming.
Hail and blessed be the hour and moment in which the Son of God was born of the most pure Virgin Mary, at midnight, in Bethlehem, in piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God! to hear my prayer and grant my desires {state your intention(s) here}, through the merits of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, and of His Blessed Mother. Amen.
[ It is piously believed that whoever recites the above prayer fifteen times each day from the Feast of St. Andrew (30th November) until Christmas will obtain what is asked...if it is in God's Most Holy Divine Will]
Imprimatur: Michael Augustine, Archbishop of New York, February 6, 1897
St. Andrew, please pray for us ~ !
a member mailed us:
"It is wise to discern the Signs of the Times within the Mission and Liturgical Life of Holy Church!" ---->
a wonderful story for Thanksgiving YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW.docx (18,9 kB)
a female member wrote us:
"I would like to get information on any prayer group in Spanish. - I live in Orlando Florida (zipcode 32822)"
a female member wrote us:
"Words (and tears) cannot express my deep emotion and gratitude at knowing that you care enough to pray against the evil that is being perpetrated against the USA and its people. Know that there are many Godly, holy people here in the USA that are aware of the tactics of the enemy and are fighting back. The USA would be a prize for the enemy and we cannot let that happen. Wednesday is a VERY important day for one of our states---Mississippi---because the people are voting to recognize and protect human life from the point of fertilization which would basically outlaw abortion. When this happens we can then take back our country for God state by state. It is a very exciting time!!God bless xxxx"
a male member mailed us: "...I have placed (...) a petition for our internetgebetskreis prayer group in the petition boxes at Necedah at the shrine. I am mailing the petitions out on Thursday, together with having a rose placed in the apparition room where Our Lady of Medjugorje appears to Marija when she is in the US...this rose on behalf of our prayer group.
God bless, xxxxx"
P.S. "I am also having an 8 day vigil candle lit at the Sacred Spot of Apparitions at Necedah for our prayer group!"
Announcing an Evening of Prayer Nov. 17th at St. Stephens Cathedral in Vienna Celebrating 30 years of Apparitions in Medjugorje - Live at MARYTV.TV !
a female member mailed us:
"I cannot thank you enough for creating the Internet Prayer Group and especially for adding the English version.
Please thank Father Reindl for including our names on the altar during Adoration. Please also let Maria know how much she is supported. Her devotion to God's will is an inspiration. As a result of the messages and the leadership of this prayer group ... we are forming a Divine Mercy Cenacle in our parish.
I check the Warning messages at least once daily and now I also check to see how the Internet Prayer Group is growing. When I pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet I spiritually link arms with the members of the group and I imagine God looking down on us as an example of how people from all different countries and backgrounds can live and love together.
I am proud of the priests from Germany and Austria for participating in this prayer group. I think it is sad that we only have one deacon from the United States. I keep praying that will change soon."
a female member wrote us:
I have a friend who started a Catholic chat. If anyone wants to come and pray with us you are more than welcome to. This is a way for everyone all over the world to come together and pray. We pray the Rosary at 9pm EST She is in New York and I am in Ohio. Here is the site please let others know we are out there trying to get everyone we can together to pray.
God Bless You,
a female meber mailed us, if anybody of our members knows prayer groups in Los Angeles or Orange County California. Please send us an email:
A female member sent us an email:
"I am E. V. from the USA. I would like to communicate by e-mail with other members. "
If you want to communicate with her, send us an e-mail:
A female member wrote: "Thank you to those priests who are reading and believing in these messages. It takes a lot of courage to come forward since the apparitions of Garabandal have not been approved by the Catholic Church and many priests, including my own pastor will not acknowledge them."
"(...), thanks for your answer. I will try my best to live up to Jesus requests. I am honoured to be in the company of so many others who also love the Lord and strive for the salvation of all souls. Congratulations for the initiative of starting a prayergroup. Yours in Christ xxxx
I’m so glad to speak to other people who follow Maria’s messages – I have felt quite isolated in my beliefs!
So – how do I join? Is there any chance I could connect with someone else in England? I live on the South Coast of England(...)
(If you want, you can contact the internet-prayer-group and we will organise a contact with our female member from South England)
I'm Father xxxxxx. I'm a catholic priest (xxxxx) and I live in México City. I've been reading the messages of "The Warning" during de last months, and I use them in my daily prayer. I will like to be part of the new group of payer. I already pray de Chaptlet of the Divine Mercy every day (and, of course, the whole Rosary). I also ofer up my daily Mass for Mary of Divine Mercy and for the conversion of all men (including myself), in this end times.
A candle for our internet-prayer-circle from a member from Germany. It is burning in the church of Heede (GER). He made a photo for us!!!