Members and Nations
1662 days after starting our website we have:
More than 8.252 members
(Central European Time)
- our 500th member is from California/USA
- our 1.000th member is from Hungary
- our 2.000th member is from Germany
- our 2.500th member is from Kamieniec Podolski, Ukraina
- our 3.000th member is from Austria
- our 4.000th member is from Canada
- our 5.000th member is from Poland
- our 6.000th member is from Colombia
- our 7.000th member is from USA
- our 7.500th member is from Belgium
68 priests are members in our internet-prayer-circle:
11 priests from Poland
8 priests from Germany
6 priests from the Netherlands
7 priests from the USA
6 priests from India
5 priests from Austria
3 priests from Hungary
3 priest from Spain
2 priests from Mexico
2 priests from Canada
1 priest from the Philippines
1 priest from the Cook Islands
1 priest from Switzerland
1 chaplain from Australia
1 priest from Brazil
1 priest from Ireland
1 priest from Portugal
1 missionary in Japan
1 priest from Nigeria
1 priest from Panama
1 priest from Cameroon
1 priest from Colombia
1 priest from Venezuela
1 priest from Argentina
1 priest from the Dem. Republic of Congo
3 deacons from USA
1 deacon from Austria
1 deacon from Peru
1deacon from Germany
our 50th nation is China and our 100th nation is Oman!
116 Nationen / Nations | Mitglieder / members |
Polen / Poland | 1162 |
USA | 1150 |
Deutschland / Germany | 805 |
Ungarn / Hungary | 521 |
Österreich / Austria | 467 |
Mexiko / Mexico | 341 |
Kanada / Canada | 285 |
Philippinen / Philippines | 274 |
Kolumbien/Colombia | 264 |
Niederlande / Netherlands | 201 |
Belgien / Belgium | 178 |
Argentinien / Argentina | 178 |
Spanien/Hiszpania | 172 |
Frankreich / France | 244 |
Australien / Australia | 167 |
Schweiz / Switzerland | 140 |
Irland / Ireland | 137 |
Italien / Italy | 114 |
Großbritannien / Great Britain | 97 |
Rumänien / Romania | 89 |
Indien / India | 94 |
Venezuela | 75 |
Japan | 55 |
Puerto Rico | 44 |
Indonesien / Indonesia | 40 |
Portugal | 38 |
S-Korea / South-Korea | 35 |
Brasilien / Brazil | 30 |
Thailand | 27 |
Ukraine | 28 |
Neuseeland / New Zealand | 27 |
Peru | 26 |
Nigeria | 25 |
Malta | 25 |
Paraguay | 24 |
Chile | 23 |
S-Afrika/Republic of South-Africa | 24 |
Slowakei / Slovakia | 22 |
Kuba/Cuba | 22 |
Ecuador | 20 |
Kroatien / Croatia | 18 |
Tschechien / Chech Republic | 15 |
Elfenbeinküste/ Ivory Coast | 17 |
Burkina Faso | 15 |
Costa Rica | 15 |
Malawi | 14 |
Panama | 15 |
Kongo / Dem. Republic of Congo | 14 |
Guatemala | 12 |
Singapur / Singapure | 10 |
China | 10 |
Kenia / Kenya | 11 |
El Salvador | 10 |
Malaysia | 9 |
Dominikan. Rep./Dominican Republic | 9 |
Libanon / Lebanon | 9 |
Vietnam | 9 |
Senegal | 8 |
Slowenien/ Slovenia | 8 |
Norwegen / Norway | 8 |
Kamerun / Cameroon | 8 |
Uganda | 13 |
Bolivien / Bolivia | 7 |
Nicaragua | 6 |
Griechenland / Greece | 6 |
Trinidad and Tobago | 6 |
Bosnien-H. / Bosnia-H. | 6 |
Russland / Russia | 7 |
Honduras | 5 |
Sri Lanka | 7 |
Liechtenstein | 5 |
Uruguay | 5 |
Luxemburg / Luxembourg | 4 |
Dänemark / Denmark | 4 |
Haiti | 4 |
Mauritius | 4 |
Finnland / Finland | 3 |
Israel | 3 |
Serbien / Serbia | 3 |
Litauen / Lithuania | 3 |
Seychellen / Seychelles | 2 |
Schweden / Sweden | 2 |
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate / United Arab Emirates | 2 |
Assyrer(Irak) / Assyrian(Iraq) | 2 |
Zimbabwe | 2 |
Belarus | 2 |
Sambia / Zambia | 2 |
Albanien / Albania | 2 |
Samoa | 2 |
Saint Lucia | 2 |
Benin | 2 |
Togo | 2 |
Cook Islands | 1 |
Äthiopien / Ethiopia | 1 |
Mazedonien / Macedonia | 1 |
Eritrea /Eritrya | 1 |
Angola | 1 |
Armenien / Armenia | 1 |
Bulgarien / Bulgaria | 1 |
Barbados | 1 |
Jordanien / Jordan | 1 |
Lesotho | 1 |
Bermuda / Bermuda | 1 |
Saudi Arabien / Saudi Arabia | 1 |
Burundi | 1 |
Malediven / Maldives | 1 |
Ägypten / Egypt | 1 |
Ghana | 1 |
Syrien / Syria | 1 |
Oman | 1 |
Aserbaidschan / Azerbaijan | 1 |
Jamaika / Jamaica | 1 |
Zentralafrik. Rep./Central African Republic | 1 |
Madagaskar / Madagascar | 1 |
Ruanda / Rwanda | 1 |
Gabun/Gabon | 1 |
unbekannte National./unknown nationality | 51 |
8252 |
Visitors: 13/10/2014, 1:00 h: all: 1.921.206 visitors ( 916.060 different visitors ) and 162 nations
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