Scheduled Monthly Events

August 3

Link to Join:
Webinar ID 869 6043 5714


In obedience to the instruction given by the Mother of Salvation in the Book of Truth, we will pray the 4 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. We will unify globally for 5 prayer meetings from different Continents, praying the Rosary in different time zones. Our Mother of Salvation, in the Book of Truth has emphasized the importance of praying the Holy Rosary in the following message received on June 20, 2012:

I can, with my Son, give you the graces and the circle of protection which no fallen angel can penetrate. Satan cannot harm or attack, all those who say my Holy Rosary every day. By reciting three or more Rosaries you can extend this protection for others. If even a hundred people could do this they could save their nation from the contamination spread by the evil one. You must gather together children and pray to protect yourselves.”

She also says, in the message of December 8, 2014:

“…Under my protection you will be given relief from the attacks he will inflict upon every Christian who tries to remain loyal to my Son in the trials, which lie before you. My Son has accorded me the power to crush the head of the serpent so that He can bring you closer to Him. Accept my protection and I will respond to all who ask me for help…

Let us unite globally our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family, together with the Mother of Salvation, in this battle to save souls. We will offer all our prayers asking for her intercession and protection for all God’s children in every nation against evil. Please come and help us unite globally in Prayer.


Saturday August 3, 7pm Sydney, 9pm New Zealand 
Saturday August 3, 2024 9pm Singapore
Saturday August 3,   5:30pm UK & Ireland 5:30pm Africa WAT  7:30pm Africa EAT
Saturday August 3 USA & Canada 9:30am PDT 10:30am MDT 11:30am CDT 12:30pm EDT
Saturday August 3, 9pm Europe CET
Saturday August 3, Central America Mexico & Costa Rica 5:00pm, Venezuela & Chile 7:00pm, Argentina & Brazil 8:00pm




August 10

Link to Register:

Webinar ID:  847 7412 0991

Peace Be with You! You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind GLOBAL Crusade of Prayer for Salvation of Souls with Live Translations on Saturday August 10, 2024 9:00pm Singapore (GMT+8), 3:00pm London Time (GMT), 9:00am New York Time (GMT -4). This Global Crusade Prayer session will be in English. Live Translators will be available in: Cantonese, Chinese, Croatian, French, German, Indonesian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Even if your language is not present, prayer programs will be shared so you can come and join us in prayer by reading the prepared material.

This Global Crusade Prayer is our opportunity to gather in prayer and plead with God the Father for the Salvation of Souls. The Book of Truth is for everyone, all people, all creeds, all nationalities, all races throughout the world. The messages and prayers are for those who believe and for those who do not. No person is exempt from God’s Love, Mercy and Salvation. We ask for the graces to help us live our lives according to God’s Holy Will, to reject sin and to always be in a state of grace through the Love and Mercy of God. The Lord Jesus says that at His Second Coming, it is His wish to bring over 7 billion of God’s children home to their Eternal Life in the New Paradise. So let us unite our hearts as one Jesus to Mankind Global Family to offer prayers and sacrifices for the Salvation of all God’s children. Jesus, we trust in You!




August 11

Link to Join:

Webinar ID: 845 2812 5692

"My dearly beloved daughter, you must tell My children, all those followers of Mine, to link and form a chain of protection in prayer. By joining as brothers and sisters in prayer for those lost children, who wander, seeking love for Me, but who cannot find peace in their souls, you can save them. They need you to pray for them because The Warning won’t convert these poor souls. You, My loyal followers, bring Me the consolation I need when I see the terrible pain and hardships, which are now being endured by My children in almost every corner of the world. This wicked group, made up of some of the worlds most powerful and elite are perpetrating the biggest lie through their deliberate plotting to seize control of countries in the Middle East, Europe and the US. Their plan is unveiling before your eyes. Can’t you see? This plan has taken decades to develop. Every one of My children needs to stay awake at all times. Do not allow them to take your countries. Stand up to them. Money is their weapon of deceit. The collapse of your banking systems was deliberate. Now they move to complete the next phase of their plan. You, children, can stop this evolving through your prayers. Already My Father is placing obstacles in their way. My followers span many countries. Now you must join together, in prayer, to stop European leaders, some of whom are intrinsic in bringing about terrible hardship on innocent people, in their wicked ways. I urge you to say this Crusade Prayer (31) to stop them:

Chain of Protection Prayer

O my Jesus, let my prayer invoke Your Holy Spirit to descend on those leaders driven by lust, greed, avarice and pride to stop the persecution of Your innocent children. I ask You to stop poverty, famine and wars from devouring Your children. And I pray that European leaders will open their hearts to the Truth of Your Love. Amen.

My daughter, the chain of prayer will spread out far and wide and the Power of the Holy Spirit will help stop those people, who have the power to stop suffering and halt them in their actions. Spread My Word in order to spread conversion. My time to come to Reign is close. So, there will not be time enough to save all souls. Do all you can for Me, your Jesus, Who loves and cherishes you all. We must work together, children, for the sake of all of mankind, in our battle to prevent the antichrist and his atrocious plan of deception. Hope, love and prayers, children, this is what I expect of you. I thank you for all your loyalty and obedience. You have not seen, yet you have believed. Once you heard My Voice, through these Messages, you recognised Me.You were able to do this because of the Holy Spirit, which reigns in your souls. You must share this great Gift so that you can bring all of your loved ones with you into My New Paradise on Earth. I love each and every one of you. You bring Me such consolation and joy. Your beloved Jesus" (February 16, 2012)





Link to Register:

Webinar ID 824 9051 0464

Dear Remnant Prayer Warrior, You are invited to attend the Jesus to Mankind USA Crusade Prayer Hour on Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 9pm Eastern, 8pm Central, 6pm Pacific.

Jesus has told us about the month of August and how we can help save billions of souls in this message given on July 23, 2011: 

“…I ask all My children to spend the month of August praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily for the lost souls who will not survive The Warning. One day of fasting a week is also required, as well as, daily Mass and the receiving of My Most Holy Eucharist. If enough of you do this, in which I call “Salvation of Souls” month, then millions of souls will be saved throughout the world. Do this for Me, children, and you will become part of My Glorious Kingdom. Your souls, at the point of death, will join Me in Paradise. That is My most solemn promise. I love you, children. Now go and form the most powerful army in the world, the Army of Love, the Army of Salvation.” Your loving Saviour Redeemer of Mankind Jesus Christ (Book of Truth - July 23, 2011)

Our loving Savior tells us that this month of August is very important in the salvation of souls. We will unite to recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Rosary and some Crusade Prayers. Let us pray, pray, pray together as a remnant army. Please invite all your family & friends to come and join us.