Information and regional contacts for prayer groups

Matthew 7:16 "By their fruit you will recognize them"


Global Daily Crusade Prayer Meeting Links:


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JTM Global Website Calendar of Events

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List of Global Daily Crusade of Prayer Meetings on Zoom





My dearly beloved daughter it must be known that I wish to form an army of prayer groups around the world. I will provide you, My army, with prayers that will need to be recited to save souls. These prayer groups will expand and within its ranks will rise a veritable army of devoted followers to bring forth the Truth of My Divine Promise of Salvation for all. These groups will form the army as dictated by My beloved Father, which will tackle the darkness of evil caused by Satan and his believers and followers.” (October 23, 2011)

These prayers were written in Heaven and promise extraordinary Graces
"They have one purpose only and that is to save the souls of everyone; every child; every creed; each sex; every religious denomination and atheists. This is My greatest desire. You, My disciples, are under My direction. The Graces I pour over you are already bearing fruit. Soon the powers I will give, through the Graces of the Crusade Prayers, will draw thousands of new souls. How, you may think, can a small prayer group achieve such conversions? The answer is simple. It is because you are protected by My Father, and guided by Me directly, that you will succeed. You cannot fail."(November 11, 2012)



  • Patience, silent prayer daily, the formation of prayer groups, daily recital of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, fasting and the Holy Rosary to My Beloved Mother combined, act as the perfect formula for saving souls.
  • At least two people must gather.  In time hopefully many will join in this Mission to save all souls. This can be done in homes or public places where you are permitted to gather. If possible, this gathering should be in houses of worship.
  • People are to meet as often as possible. Even if you must start with one or two days a week and have different people coming each day if you are able to meet daily which is the goal, this will at least get you started. If your group is large enough you can have a leader and organizer volunteer or several people can share that responsibility or just rotate and share this responsibility. Perhaps you can move from
    house to house.
  • It is recommended that you have a Blessed Crucifix, Blessed candle burning and Holy water/blessed oil let everyone bless themselves before beginning with prayer. (January 25, 2013)
  • Our Lady has asked people of all faiths to pray her Rosary. (June 20, 2012)
  • Spend at least an hour in prayer daily with Our Lord and Our Mother.
  • Recent Messages, which have been given since the last meeting, should be read slowly and respectfully. No one is to interpret the Messages because Jesus has already said that even Maria Divine Mercy is not qualified to interpret them. An incorrect interpretation could turn souls away.
  • The goal of this Mission is to reach out to all souls of all faiths or no faith. No one is excluded.
  • It would be helpful if copies of the Messages you read can be handed out for those who do not have a computer.
  • It is recommended that all of the Crusade Prayers and Litanies be prayed giving adequate time when it is requested for people to add their own intentions. It is best for people to pray their intentions silently. Perhaps people can bow their heads and then raise them when they are finished so that you can proceed without cutting anyone off. Remember some people have large families and many intentions, and it
    is important that these all be included.
  • In the Second Litany it is recommended that souls in complete darkness and those who will die this day be included with your other intentions.
  • If the group gets large enough perhaps a leader can stand at the front of the group so that they will know when people have completed their intentions and the prayers can continue.
  • Remember that there is great power in your praying together as a Crusade Prayer Group.
  • I must also instruct you, My beloved disciples, to ensure that prayer forms the basis for every prayer meeting. I do not wish you to contemplate negativity or create fear amongst yourselves, because all I bring is Love and Mercy. (January 25, 2013)
  • Discussions of the Messages should be limited to direct and exact quotes from the original messages. It is highly recommended that all pray for discernment regarding the Messages because of the great danger in misinterpreting the Messages. August 8 2012
  • While Our Lord has requested that we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 3:00 PM, He has also requested that we pray it many times a day.
  • Choose the Crusade Prayers I give you and say them, so that you can focus on different requests during each prayer group. If, for example, you are praying the Crusade Prayer for the Grace of Immunity, do this in a way so that the prayer group, that day, can concentrate on a selection of Crusade Prayers which calls on God’s protection for souls. Then on another day, focus on a selection of prayers which are
    given to you for the protection of priests and clergy. (March 7, 2013)



  1. Opening Prayer “Jesus forgive me, for I have sinned.” (September 24, 2013)
  2. Crusade Prayer 96 (January 25, 2013)
  3. Invocation of the Saints (May 11, 2011)
  4. St Michael Prayer (March 6, 2014)
  5. Daily recital of the Holy Rosary to My Beloved Mother. (June 20, 2012)
  6. Daily Crusade Prayers. (March 7, 2013)
  7. Theme Crusade Prayers (August 19, 2012 and March 7, 2013)
  8. Daily Litany Prayers. (August 19, 2012; July 21 2012 and August 24, 2012)
  9. Daily recital of the Divine Mercy Chaplet (August 10, 2011)
  10. Closing Prayer Crusade Prayer 96 (January 25, 2013)
  11. Message reading August 8 2012
My Messages are full of hope and I will mitigate much of the suffering foretold, through the power of My Crusade Prayer Groups.The purpose of this Mission is to save souls.It has never been about anything else. My Messages are given to enlighten you,to alert you to the dangers, which affect your faith,and to prepare you for My New Paradise. Go now, in Peace. I will cover each Crusade Prayer Group with My Abundance of Graces, including the Gift of Discernment. Your Jesus. (January 25, 2013)

Approved by Maria Divine Mercy Sunday, May 21, 2023 at 00:23




Jesus to Mankind REGIONAL GROUPS


The Objectives of these Groups are as follows:


  1. Facilitate the formation of Jesus to Mankind Crusade Prayer Groups down to City and Local levels
  2. Coordinate and Organize at Country and State level
  3. Distribute and Promote the messages from Heaven given to ‘Maria Divine Mercy’, to all Men and Women of Good Will, particularly those in positions of Spiritual Leadership


Primary Objective of the Prayer Groups is INTERCESSION and REPARATION, through the

  • DAILY RECITATION of the Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Crusade Prayers, as well as
  • DEEPENING OF THE INTERIOR LIFE of its members through INDIVIDUAL PRAYER, FREQUENT RECEPTION OF THE SACRAMENTS, and if possible Daily Mass or Adoration

COORDINATION: Regional and Local groups to function also

  • as Centers for Communication, Coordination and the Distribution of Messages, Books, Seal of the Living God cards, Prayer Cards, Sacramentals, as well as
  • Potential Meeting Places.
  • to Develop and maintain a Confidential Database of Group Membership
  • Working with Central Group, Coordinate Organization of Meetings, Presentations, Rallies, the distribution of Messages, Flyers, Newsletters and Press Releases, as well as the Response to questions from individuals and the Media
  • Conduct Planning, coordinate and standardize programs and policies
  • Support Group / Discussion Group