Article archive

June 9, 2012 - God the Father: I will fight the Battle of Armageddon with the Hierarchy in the Heavens

09/06/2012 00:00
My sweet daughter trust that I, your Heavenly Father, will do all in My power to salvage all of My children on earth   While I must respect the gift of free will, bestowed by Me as one of the greatest gifts to ensure that mankind would love Me on their own accord, and not by force, I will do...

June 8, 2012 - Free will cannot be taken away from you. I cannot demand that you follow Me

08/06/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter many reading these, My Holy Words given to mankind out of love, misunderstand My intentions.   As the Son of Man, My pledge is to save the whole of humanity.   My Crucifixion on the Cross was not simply a moment in time, or a moment in history.   It was a...

June 7, 2012 - 600,000 fallen angels were released last year from the pits of Hell. A further 5 million have now been released

07/06/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter it is time to take up arms in the Heavenly battle which rages again with Satan and his fallen angels.   Now unleashed in every nation Satan’s army of angels and their devoted disciples on earth are infesting God’s children in every way.   There are the visual...

June 6, 2012 - Virgin Mary: Children when you suffer in this life you become closer to my Son.

06/06/2012 00:00
Children when you suffer in this life you become closer to my Son.   Suffering, hard as it is, brings graces especially if it is embraced willingly for the salvation of souls.   When you suffer always remember how my Son suffered.   His physical torture, remember, would be very...

June 5, 2012 - Satan intends to poison the minds of some of My chosen souls towards this Mission

05/06/2012 00:00
My daughter it is unwise for those who follow My visionaries all over the world to succumb to the evil one’s new plan.   He intends to poison the minds of some of my chosen souls towards this mission.   He will turn one against the other.   He will create doubts amongst them against...

June 3, 2012 - Spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.

03/06/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter My followers must spend the month of June in quiet contemplation as instructed by My Beloved Mother.   This month is the time when ,through the Crusade of Conversion, many people can receive the graces of instant conversion through the sacrifices made by those of you...

June 2, 2012 - Jesus: Never falter. Never doubt My Hand of Protection.

02/06/2012 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter when My followers allow Me to flood their souls with My unconditional love I will ignite within them a strength that will startle them.   Come to Me like trusting children with a simple and open heart, with no expectations, and I will bring you a peace which you will...

June 2, 2012 - Virgin Mary I revealed these atrocities to the little children Melanie and Maximin at La Salette

02/06/2012 00:00
My child it is important that all those who love my Son pray for the graces of strength and perseverance at this time.   The knowledge being revealed to you children through these messages is to help you prepare.   Never feel you, as God’s army, will not be able to withstand the evil...

June 1, 2012 - 666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.

01/06/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter the antichrist is preparing, already, his peace plan which he will introduce soon after the wars become widespread in the Middle East and when the pain and terrible anguish means there is no sign of hope.   Then he will appear suddenly and announce himself to the...

May 31, 2012 - Virgin Mary: June Crusade of Conversion Month

31/05/2012 00:00
My child every effort is being made by Satan and those souls he has infected to undermine my Son’s Most Holy Word.   Always remember that Satan plants the first seeds of doubts within the hearts of chosen souls.   The worst condemnation will be poured upon these Holy Messages by those who...
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