Article archive

December 11, 2012 - Virgin Mary: He, so humble, will come in great glorious splendour and His Great Mercy will flood the earth

11/12/2012 00:00
My dear little ones, my Heart rejoices because the Reign of my Son is very close.   For all His suffering, His rejection by ungrateful men and the apostasy, which covers the earth, He will bring great glory to mankind.   He will come on a great cloud and His Majesty will overcome every...

December 10, 2012 - I will Judge the Living and the Dead and only those who are worthy can enter My Kingdom

10/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, please tell all those who follow My Teachings to remind themselves of My Promise.   I have made it clear that I will come again to salvage My Kingdom.   My Second Coming is awaited and those who profess to know the Truth, which is contained in My Father’s Book,...

December 9, 2012 - The Fire of the Holy Spirit will be felt in the hearts of everyone

09/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, it is My desire, not to frighten My followers, but rather, to demonstrate the Love and Compassion which I hold in My Heart for every man, woman and child.   It is because of My Love for every one of God’s children, including those who defy the Word of God, that I...

December 8, 2012 - The Warning will purify God’s children in preparation for My Second Coming

08/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, just as My Father prepared the world for My First Coming, so also does He now prepare His children for My Second Coming.   The whole of Heaven rejoiced when I was born, for they knew that I was sent to save humanity from eternal damnation. Now the Hierarchy of all...

December 7, 2012 - The False Prophet has already planned how he will take over the ministries within the Catholic Church

07/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, as the time draws nearer for the false prophet to make himself known, preparations have been laid down by him and his cohorts to denounce these Messages.   Many false prophets are infiltrating My followers in every corner. This will cause, not only confusion, but,...

December 5, 2012 - Virgin Mary: As the Mother of Salvation I will help you and your families to be consecrated to my Son

05/12/2012 00:00
My child, please tell my children to call on me, their beloved Mother, so that I can protect them at this time of confusion and distress.   My Immaculate Heart is the refuge to which you must turn so that, through my intercession, you can renew your faith and trust in my Son.   I will...

December 3, 2012 - I call on humanity to prepare for My Great Mercy

03/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, with all your strength and with all your courage, I call on humanity to prepare for My Great Mercy.   Those of you with a humble heart and a purity of soul, I call upon you to pray for the souls of those who will die during The Warning.   How they need your...

December 2, 2012 - The flame of love extinguishes the fire of hatred

02/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, it is only when you are the target of hatred that you can truly understand the power, which the evil one has over humanity.   Hatred is caused by Satan who uses it to tempt people to turn on their fellow brothers and sisters.   Hatred breeds hatred, when one...

December 1, 2012 - All nations of the world are united as one with God. All are part of the same family

01/12/2012 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when I bestow love in the hearts of your parents this will give you but just a glimpse of the love I hold for you in My Heart.   A child who is nurtured by the pure love of his parents is blessed for this is a taste of the Love, which God has for all of His...

November 30, 2012 - The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel

30/11/2012 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.   My chosen race will suffer   The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries....
Items: 771 - 780 of 1422
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