Article archive

February 4, 2013 - Man must strive, at all times, to be like Me

04/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, as the calamities grow, all around the earth, on a simple level, man must strive, at all times, to be like Me.   In your daily lives, it is important to treat others as I have taught you, during My Time on earth. You must always think, first, before you take any...

February 3, 2013 - It won’t be long before the final phase of the purification of the human race begins

03/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, today is a special day, where My Love for humanity swells like a large ocean, as a last attempt to pour My Graces over their souls.   I tug at the hearts of every man, woman and child, in different ways, so that they are aware of the presence of love and goodwill....

Febtruary 1, 2013 - God the Father: I will wipe out those Nations who spit in My Face

02/02/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, how My Heart is breaking at this time, as man, through the wickedness of his sins, have finally tried My patience. My hurt and pain is compounded by My Anger, as I cannot allow the infestation, which has befallen humanity on such a level, to continue.   My Hand of Justice...

February 2, 2013 - The signs I will send will be instantly recognisable

02/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I love you and I Am with you every second in this Holy Work. I Am present, guiding you in every task you undertake, to ensure that My Word is spread to every one of God’s children.   Never allow interference, or setbacks, to stop you and delay what is now an urgent...

January 31, 2013 - Mother of God: The remnant army of Christ will Triumph

31/01/2013 00:00
My beloved children of God, I am your heavenly Mother, the Mother of Mercy, the Mother of Salvation. You are my precious children and I cover you all with my veil of salvation, as your weary souls struggle in pain.   Pray, my children, to my Son, with complete faith and trust in His Mercy. He...

January 30, 2013 - My Father’s intervention has already commenced and His wrath will shake the earth

30/01/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the destruction of human life, by the hands of those who do not honour the importance of this Gift from God, is escalating. My Father’s rage, because of this abominable sin, has reached such a pitch, that His roars can be heard throughout the Heavens.   The Hand of...

January 29, 2013 - The rise of hatred, murder and lack of charity is intense and sin has infested the earth like wildfire

29/01/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the rage of Satan pours over the earth as the Holy Spirit increases His Divine Presence within the souls of so many, through this and other Missions, sanctioned by Me.   The rise of hatred, murder and lack of charity is intense, and sin has infested the earth like...

January 28, 2013 - Soon, they will pass a law, which will outlaw the meaning of blasphemy

28/01/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, tell My disciples that they must never give up their devotion to My Holy Word.   The growth of atheism means that the mere mention of God, or the laws directed by Him, causes outrage. It has become, as if it were, a blasphemy to mention the role of God in your...

January 27, 2013 - The prophecies, contained in the Book of Revelation, are only partially known

27/01/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I Am bound to inform My followers that you will become chastised, by certain sacred servants of Mine. You will soon be instructed, by some of them, to walk away from this Work.   You will be treated just as My disciples were, by the priests of their time. They, too,...

January 26, 2013 - God the Father: This is why only a miracle can save the human race

26/01/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, My Precious Son, who suffered such a cruel death, on behalf of My children, is preparing for His Great Mercy.   I have granted Him, up to now, the time required to bring as many souls as possible under His Divine Mercy without having to forgo one stray soul. The time is...
Items: 711 - 720 of 1423
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