Article archive

February 13, 2013 - Virgin Mary: The Arrogance and Pride of Humanity is Insulting to the Presence of God

13/02/2013 00:01
My Holy Mantle covers all those of you who call on me, your Heavenly Mother, during these times of Chastisement. As the Anger of my Eternal Father increases, you, my dear children, must pray hard to dilute the suffering, which will surge, like a flood, over the earth.   You must keep focused...

February 13, 2013 - Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants

13/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, there is a rage in Heaven, at this time, as the Crown of Thorns descend to crush My Body, the Catholic Church, on earth.   This prophecy given to you, in much detail, over the last two years, has come to pass. Now, as My other Revelations will soon be realized, very...

February 12, 2013 - This life will, in the blink of an eye, pass into a New Life, a New Renewed Paradise

12/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, so many people in the world are unaware of their spirituality. So caught up in matters, concerning their daily lives, their jobs, their role as parents, their struggle to pass exams and to educate themselves, that they forget about their lives after their time on earth...

February 11, 2013 - Many believe Hell to be, merely, a Place from Folklore

11/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My Heart’s desire is to save those people, who commit terrible sin, from the torture of Hell.   For every mortal sin committed, the pain of fire will tear the soul apart as if it were made of flesh. The cries of anguish and terror, from such souls, as they are...

February 20, 2013 - My Word will spread in Australia and New Zealand

10/02/2013 00:00
My beloved disciples, how you bring tears of relief to My Sacred Eyes.   Your beautiful Nations, full of rich abundant natural resources, are empty of soul. The Nations of Australia and New Zealand are lush, on the one hand, because of the Gift My Father has bequeathed you, and on the other,...

February 9, 2013 - Never forget that you are the writer. I Am the Author

09/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, as My Messages spread quickly, you, at this time, are the victim of a ferocious attack, by Satan, and his army of demons. They dance around you everywhere, in order to distract you, hurt you and torment you – all with one objective. That is to stop this Work.   I...

February 8, 2013 - I Am your Teacher, and through Me, you will understand the Mysteries of My Final Divine Plan

08/02/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, if people realised the Gift I Am to bestow upon humanity, where I will raise to life the dead and the saints, who will join those of you granted the Gift of Eternal Life in My Kingdom, you would truly understand then this very special blessing.   To lose a loved one...

February 7, 2013 - God the Father: Come, follow My Son, along the Path of Truth

07/02/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, what does it matter that My children so love the good things I provide on earth?   What does it matter that the beautiful world I Created is so loved and admired by My children?   What does it matter that My children love each other and find joy in...

February 6, 2013 - Mother of God: You must pray for all those in high places, with power over your nations

06/02/2013 00:00
My child, you must devote all your prayers, now, for those lost souls who will not acknowledge the Existence of God.   Scattered throughout the world, those poor souls are living through a time when they are tormented with lies. Those lies are planted in their hearts by the deceiver. Without...

February 5, 2013 - Mother of God: Many will be lonely in their quest to form prayer groups

05/02/2013 00:00
My children, you must seek out the comfort of each other, as you gather, at every corner of the earth, to form My Son’s Remnant Army.   Many will be lonely, in their quest to form prayer groups, and may feel that it is useless, at times. For each Prayer Group set up, to recite the Crusade...
Items: 701 - 710 of 1423
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