Article archive

March 17, 2013 - A message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.

17/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, this is a Message for priests and all those sacred servants of Mine who have given their lives to My Sacred Service.   My beloved servants, I desire that you obey the Laws of the Church and those to whom you must show obedience in My Holy Name.   You must never...

March 16, 2013 - The Third Seal will be revealed when man will scramble for food as famines grip humanity

16/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the tides will unleash and the destruction, caused by many wars, will commence as foretold.   The timing of the arrival of the false prophet will coincide with the declaration of wars all over the world. These wars will be triggered instantly and men will cower in...

March 15, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: Say my Rosary for all those who rule in Rome

15/03/2013 00:00
My dear child, this is a time of great sorrow, not only for you, but for all those who love my Son.   I must urge you, dear children, to remain strong and faithful to the Holy Word of God, for the sake of my Son. He, my beloved Son, hangs His Head in agony as He watches the horror as His...

March 16, 2013 - My Agony is felt by all the saints and angels in Heaven, for the time of the Apocalypse is near

15/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, what rage, what anger and what fear is being felt by those who refuse to accept My Cup of Suffering at this time.   The rage of Satan, against these Messages, will increase quickly and every effort will be made to denounce you, My daughter.   Suffering is to be...

March 14, 2013 - This wicked gesture during Holy Week will be seen by those who keep their eyes open

14/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, what suffering is being experienced by My beloved sacred servants, close to My Heart, who know the Truth and who have to witness the abomination in My Church on earth.   There is to be a particular insult, which will be inflicted upon My Holy Name, in an effort to...

March 13, 2013 - His throne has been stolen. His power has not

13/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I have been condemned to death for the second time. The insult of the ruling in Rome, which you witnessed today, cuts Me in two.   When I stood before My executioners, accused of heresy and of daring to speak the Truth, My apostles ran away and were nowhere to be...

March 12, 2013 - God the Father: The battle now rages between My Hierarchy and the domain of the beast

12/03/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, the Heavens weep in sorrow on this terrible day foretold so very long ago.   The whole of humanity will now face the greatest deception of all, and which has been perpetrated by the beast.   The tears of My Son, whose death on the Cross gave My children freedom, fall...

March 10, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: The Crusade Prayer Groups will save billions of souls

10/03/2013 00:00
My dear child, at this time you will feel even more alone and isolated as the Holy Word of God roars aloud to warn humanity of the need to prepare their souls.   Children, it is now that you need to ask My beloved Son to sustain your courage during the dark days, months and years, which lie...

March 9, 2013 - By the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world

09/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, by the time Good Friday arrives many souls will begin to realize that My Warning to humanity is upon the world.   No sooner will the abomination be witnessed than the Truth of these Messages will be truly understood.   Gather your people together, unite in...

March 8, 2013 - He has been sent to dismantle My Church and tear it up into little pieces

08/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, Satan is in a rage against My Church on earth and his infestation continues to spread within its walls.   The cunning imposter, who has lain in waiting in the wings, patiently, will soon declare his reign over My poor unsuspecting sacred servants. The pain he will...
Items: 671 - 680 of 1423
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