Article archive

March 27, 2013 - Your transition from this earth into My New Kingdom will be painless, instant and will be so sudden that you will barely be able to take a breath

27/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, come all of you and join with Me in remembrance of the day when you were given the great Gift of Redemption.   Good Friday must be remembered as the day when the Gates of Paradise were finally opened to welcome God’s children from their exile from Him. My death...

March 26, 2013 - You must keep your eyes open to anything, which insults My Divinity

26/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, this Message is for the world. It is for Christians of every denomination, the Jews and all those religions who proclaim My Almighty Father, God the Most High.   This Message is also for those who do not believe in God the Father, or Me, His only begotten Son. It is...

March 25, 2013 - The greatest horror I witnessed in My Time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end

25/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest horror I witnessed in My time in the Garden of Olives was the scourge of sin in the time of the end. During the vision, shown to Me by Satan, I saw the fall away of mortal man from God’s Laws. He, the evil one, showed Me terrible images; tempted Me with...

March 24, 2013 - My Mission is not to give you a new Bible, for that could never be, as My Father’s Book contains the whole Truth

24/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when you are asked by those who love Me, what is the purpose of your Mission, your answer must be – to save your souls. When you are sneered at, mocked and asked what gives you the right to proclaim the Word of God – the answer is, so that Jesus can save your souls....

March 23, 2013 - Mother of God: my Son’s Body was torn to shreds

23/03/2013 00:00
My child, many do not understand my role as Co-Redemptrix. Nor do they know why this is so.   When I accepted the call to become the Mother of God, I was bound to the Covenant of God’s Salvation for humanity.   When I bore my Son, I felt the same love, which any mother would have for...

March 22, 2013 - I desire that all of My followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15:30 hours on Good Friday

22/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I desire that all of My followers conduct a time of fasting from next Monday until 15:30 hours (03:30 PM) on Good Friday.   Even a small token of fasting will glean, for all of you, an insight into My Plan of Salvation and how you can help Me to salvage the souls of...

March 21, 2013 - The time for the division is soon and you must prepare

21/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, how My Heart breaks because of the sorrow, which is being felt by souls who are in disarray because of the flight of My last pope, My beloved Benedict.   You, My cherished souls, feel so confused and, somewhat, alone. I feel your pain and you must pray hard for My...

March 20, 2013 - Just as the blind cannot see, there will be those amongst the Church in Rome who can see, but who will refuse to acknowledge the Truth

20/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My Crucifixion is being relived all over again and each part is connected to the time in the lead up to My Second Coming.   Now that My Body – My Church – has endured the scourging, for so many years, because of the spirit of evil, the Crowning of Thorns is now...

March 19, 2013 - Layer by layer, their evil intents will become clear as they trip themselves up

19/03/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My Holy Word spreads like a powerful wind across the whole world, at this time, through these Messages.   Many will hear My Voice, whether they wish to do so, or not, for It will sound like thunder before the storm. Some will recognise the Holy Spirit as It engulfs...

March 18, 2013 - Mother of God: The division in the world, to be brought about by Gog and Magog, will split families in two

18/03/2013 00:00
My child, you must never doubt the importance of this Mission or allow attacks on you to divert your attention from my beloved Son.   It is because of my Son’s Love and Mercy that He reveals to the world the plans by the evil one to snatch souls before the time of the end. This devious plan...
Items: 661 - 670 of 1423
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