Article archive

July 14, 2013 - I pine for them. Without them, I cannot feel whole

14/07/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when I give you the Gift to see God’s children, everywhere you go, through the Eyes of God, it is for a reason.   Every time you see a young child and feel My Love surge through your veins, this is My Love for them. When you see a teenager walking and laughing with...

July 11, 2013 - It will be through your recital of My Crusade Prayers that I can save them.

11/07/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, let Me draw you close to My Sacred Heart, because when you allow Me to do this, I will instill within your soul special Graces. Then, My Work will yield more fruit, which will ripen and burst forth in abundance across the Earth.   The fruit, which comes from Me,...

July 10, 2013 - God the Father: The lies you are being fed about your economy are designed to fool you

10/07/2013 00:01
My dearest daughter, wars will break out all over the Middle East and soon My beloved Israel will suffer a terrible abomination. Lives will be lost throughout this part of the world on a very large scale, as the spirit of evil devours the lives and in many cases the souls of My children.   My...

July 10, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: So easily do people accept new laws, which claim to be good

10/07/2013 00:00
My child, your prayers are being answered and my Son will intervene for your special intention. You must pray for all of those in the world who are being misguided into believing that evil is good. This web of deceit has covered humanity to such an extent that many can no longer differentiate...

July 8, 2013 - The Ten Commandments, given to the world by My Father through the prophet Moses, are being re-written by man

08/07/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, whenever you feel that there is little hope for sinners, please remember that My Great Mercy is ceaseless. There is not one soul in the world I do not wish to embrace and bring them the Gift of Salvation. I love all of you. I forgive all who beseech Me, for the Gift of...

July 7, 203 - He will use the Truth of God to hide behind, until the right moment

07/07/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved spouse, what does it matter if they shout at you or curse you in My Name? What does it matter if all those who proclaim My Most Holy Word and who remain steadfast in union with Me, are shackled and beaten? Don’t you know that My Power is Almighty and that I cannot be broken, even...

July 5, 2013 - The One World Order is the greatest travesty against the True Triune God

05/07/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, there is one religion, which causes Me the greatest suffering and that is the false religion, which idolises the beast. The One World Order is the greatest travesty against the True Triune God and those who belong to the house of Satan need so much prayer. They are...

July 4, 2013 - God the Father: I know that the plan of abortion around the world is controlled

04/07/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, My Time has come to intervene, forcibly, in the world, at a time of great sin against Me.   My Patience is tested and My Anger has been stirred as I witness the greatest insults, which are being perpetrated against Me.   As the Creator of all living things, I Am the...

July 3, 2013 - As bitterness divides nations, mistrust and fear will continue to cause civil unrest

03/07/2013 00:02
My dearly beloved daughter, the wars and unrest, as foretold, spread like wildfires all over the Earth. Very few parts of the world will be unaffected by wars and rumours of discord.   As bitterness divides nations, mistrust and fear will continue to cause civil unrest, unchristian laws will...

July 3, 2013 - There will be powerful earthquakes in Russia and China soon and they will take place one after the other

03/07/2013 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, how I have missed your time and how I rejoice that the spiritual darkness, which has covered you for days, has now lifted. You must keep reciting the Most Holy Rosary in order to protect yourself and all will be well.   The Earth will shake, as foretold, and...
Items: 561 - 570 of 1423
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