Article archive

August 26, 2013 - The Pharisees scourged and murdered many before they finally crucified Me

26/08/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, before I was crucified, many hateful lies were created about Me by My enemies. There were gatherings held by the Pharisees, many times, to decide what to do about Me. They would not accept, for one minute, that I had been sent by God to save humanity. How they hated Me....

August 25, 2013 - God the Father: Fear you, those who stand up and curse My Son

25/08/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, I Am to bequeath a great Gift upon the world because of this My Most Holy Mission. I Am going to save 200 million souls, without hesitation, irrespective of how much they offend Me, and I will do this next week because of the suffering associated with this Mission.   My...

August 24, 2013 - This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses

24/08/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand...

August 23, 2013 - God the Father: Children we are but just a short time away from the Great Day

23/08/2013 00:01
My dearest daughter, while the world strives to make sense out of the despair they witness, know that all of these turmoils must take place, before I bring all those who love Me into My Place of Refuge.   You will soon know Who I Am, children. Those of you who are unsure of Me will see the...

August 23, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: The antichrist, upon his announcement, will declare that he is a devout Christian

23/08/2013 00:00
My child, how Christians will suffer as the disease of sin engulfs the world everywhere in many guises.   There is an organized attempt being made to wipe out Christianity and this takes many forms. You will know that when Christians are denied the right to publicly declare their allegiance to...

August 22, 2013 - I must warn the world of the large number of false prophets, who at this time try to drown out My Voice

22/08/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I must warn the world of the large number of false prophets, who at this time try to drown out My Voice.   I have sent a number of prophets, all with different missions, to prepare God’s children. These Messages, regarding the end times, are the only authentic...

Vicka brings the apparitions to Israel

21/08/2013 06:41
  Participating in an international pilgrimage, visionary Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic came to Israel on August 19. For a week, she will have public apparitions in The Holy Land.    

August 21, 2013 - My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated

21/08/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the renewal and purification of the Earth has now commenced as My Time draws near. My Second Coming cannot take place until the contamination of sin has been eradicated, through the cleansing needed on this Earth.   As the Earth will be purified, souls of every...

August 20, 2013 - I will ensure that millions more hear My Words

20/08/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My Love and My Compassion for all sinners has meant that I grant great Mercy on billions of souls. As of today, I will open their eyes to My Messages for humanity. I will ensure that millions more hear My Words, so that I can take many more lost souls into the New...

August 19, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: My children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow

19/08/2013 00:00
My children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow. I call especially on those of you who have a great devotion to me, the Mother of God, as I comfort you at this time of great apostasy. You must accept this Intervention from Heaven with good grace and be...
Items: 511 - 520 of 1423
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