Article archive

September 21, 2013 - Many will betray Me by accepting falsities

21/09/2013 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, My Power will surge within the hearts of believers now as they, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, will feel a sense of calm despite the great apostasy, which they are beginning to witness in My Church.   I will, by the Power and the Glory of My beloved Father,...

September 21, 2013 - Four powerful empires will emerge as the main source from which wars will be surmounted

21/09/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, much will happen in the world as the power of the false prophet rises and anyone who dares to challenge him will be ignored, even in the highest places within My Church.   Political disagreements will result in four parts of the Earth. Four powerful empires will...


19/09/2013 07:51

September 19, 2013 - No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God

19/09/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My poor sacred servants will, after the Liturgy has been tampered with and desecrated before Me, come running to Me in great sorrow. Only when that happens, will they realise that the Word of God is being made known through God’s prophet, and that it is the Truth. The...

September 18, 2013 - Recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.

18/09/2013 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, I ask that you all recite this special Crusade Prayer to consecrate all those close to you, so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood.   Crusade Prayer (122) For the consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ   Dear Jesus, I ask You to consecrate...

September 18, 2013 - At My Second Coming, I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time according to what they have done for the Glory of God

18/09/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when I said that I would come again to judge the living and the dead, I meant just that. The First Judgement must be fulfilled and by this, I mean that at My Second Coming I will judge every person who remains alive on the Earth at that time, according to what they have...

September 17, 2013 - I come for you to take you to My Father. I come to fulfill His Divine Will and to complete the Covenant

17/09/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when you find this Work difficult and hesitate to give the world bad news, you must understand that you are only the messenger. You are an instrument of the Holy God, the Most High and it is your duty to respond to His Call. Your obedience is essential and you must not...

September 16, 2013 - God the Father: For those born into pagan families, through no fault of your own, I will grant you Mercy

16/09/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, the human race is, to a large extent, impervious to My Existence. So many know little about Me, their Father, their Creator. My sacred servants, including all those who believe in Me, the Creator of all that is, have failed to prepare humanity for the punishment which will face...

September 15, 2013 - My Plans to redeem the world are being brought to fruition. All is in place now

15/09/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, all of My Plans to redeem the world are being brought to fruition. All is in place. My Army is formed. They will now grow and expand everywhere, bringing along with them the many souls I yearn for. This Army has been given great Graces by Me and by the Power of the Holy...

September 14, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: These Medals will convert all souls, who are open to the Mercy of my Son, Jesus Christ

14/09/2013 00:01
O, my child, just as I loved my Son, from the moment I looked into His beautiful Face, so do I love all of God’s children as my very own.   I am the Mother of God, but I am also the Mother of all of God’s children, as I pledged to help them in their moment of final salvation. My Son, when He...
Items: 481 - 490 of 1423
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