Article archive

October 23, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: My Son is planning a great renewal on Earth, at this time, and it will cause much pain

23/10/2013 00:00
My child, I cover all of my children, at this time, with my protection, so that they will remain calm, at peace and strong at these times of great trials.   You must, dear children, accept the fact that you will always feel pain, caused by the isolation, rejection and dismissal by those who...

October 22, 2013 - All those who wear the triangle, the sign of the most unholy trinity, will be involved in endorsing such charities

22/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, every corner of My Church is being prepared for the new rituals. Public declarations of the need to be humble and caring will set the precedence for the secular philanthropy, which will be introduced by the antichrist. All these servants of Satan are joining in...

October 22, 2013 - You are the generation, which will have to bear witness to the final Crucifixion of My Church

22/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My beloved servants will unite in union with Me – less than half of them – but their loyalty to Me will help My Army to survive and grow in order to spread the Gospels during the global darkness which will be felt during this, the greatest apostasy of all...

October 21, 2013 - They will follow like lambs to the slaughter, the road to destruction

21/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the greatest betrayal of My beloved, loyal disciples – those who will always hold firm to the Truth – will be by those followers in My Church who will fall prey to the great deceit.   So many people, because of their misguided loyalty, will be deceived by the...

October 20, 2013 - The schism in My Church will be broken into different stages

20/10/2013 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, go, all of you, into the world and spread the Gospels, for you will need to do this before the persecution of My Church begins in earnest.   You must place all your trust in Me and be comforted in the knowledge that when the Great Day comes, you will be lifted, body...

October 20, 2013 - You must remain calm, at peace, but with a firm resolve to continue to proclaim the Holy Word contained in the Gospels

20/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I desire to reveal to all of you, My beloved apostles – those who walk the Earth and who proclaim My Holy Word – that you must cling to Me, your Jesus, like never before. These times, which lie ahead of you will be difficult and to all those who remain in Me, with Me and...

October 19, 2013 - The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organisations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre

19/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I call on all of My disciples who have heard Me and who recognise Me, in these Messages, to listen to Me now.   This Work, which has been bestowed upon you, is Sacred. Whatever torment, abuse, suffering and ridicule you may endure, because of this Mission, remember...

October 18, 2013 - I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings

18/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, My greatest sadness is that those who love Me the most, in their masses, will refuse to hear My Voice, now as I call out to them.   I may be their only true friend, their only salvation, but many of them will ignore My Warnings. Even those who hear My Voice will...

October 17, 2013 - Every new law, soon to be introduced by enemies within My Church, will mock the Truth laid down by My Father

17/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, if only more people would believe truly in Me, their Jesus, then they would find peace in their hearts. Where there is no trust, there is fear. Fear prevents the Love of God from penetrating your soul and then you become a prisoner. Nothing, only My Light, will lift the...

October 16, 2013 - The serpent gives the antichrist special messages, which he documents carefully

16/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the most unholy trinity, consisting of My three enemies, the false prophet, the antichrist and the dragon, that is Satan, will rise now in defiance against the Most Holy Trinity. Know that they have many thousands and thousands of devout disciples and as the time draws...
Items: 451 - 460 of 1423
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