Article archive

November 2, 2013 - The greatest persecution will be inflicted by Christians upon Christians

02/11/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I must urge all of God’s children to join in union and pray for My Church on Earth.   My Heart heaves at this time, for there is great hatred being shown to those who are practicing Christians. The persecution of Christians will continue in all countries and this...

November 1, 2013 - My loyal disciples, including priests and the sacred servants of all Christian faiths, will remain close by My Side

01/11/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the spirit of evil is spreading and it is affecting all those who viciously oppose these Messages. This will lead to more wickedness, lies and elaborate schemes designed to stop this Mission. You must ignore those with evil tongues and those who are eaten up with...

October 31, 2013 - When you lack humility, pride will flood your souls and you will sin against Me

31/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, so many will not listen to My Voice, because they do not know Who I Am. Many claim to know Me, but it is only by their flawed human interpretation that they are convinced that they understand Who I Am and what I did to save them from the abyss, which faces all God’s...

October 30, 2013 - Once the Holy Spirit engulfs a soul, it will rise, draw immediately towards the Will of My Father and respond in total abandonment

30/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when My Holy Spirit descends upon a person, a number of things happen. The first is a feeling of bewilderment and disbelief. The second is the sense of being overwhelmed by something so powerful that it renders the person completely dependent upon the Holy Will of God....

October 29, 2013 - Mother of Salvation: My Son’s Church will become the seat of the antichrist

29/10/2013 00:00
My sweet child, the Heavens all join, in union with my Son, to come to the aid of those holy priests, who will find themselves in the middle of a great battle. So many of these precious souls will have to endure terrible pain and suffering when they will have to witness the heresies, which will...

October 27, 2013 - My Church was built upon the Truth and nothing but the Truth should spill from her lips

27/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when My Church is applauded openly by a proud and secular world, know then that the two separate entities are close to joining as one. When My Church embraces the secular world, becomes politically motivated by it, and seeks recognition in the world of politics and...

October 26, 2013 - I will not stand by and watch while you destroy your lives, which can be yours for eternity

26/10/2013 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, when people try to ascertain which of God’s children I wish to bring My Mercy to – the answer is, all of them. I do not discriminate, because I love every soul born, each of whom was created by My Father. No soul can be excluded from this My final Mission to save...

October 26, 2013 - The Great Day will dawn and soon the world without end will begin

26/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the faith of all God’s children, irrespective of which denomination they belong to, is so weak that many of those who know the Truth will find it very difficult to practice their religion openly, without criticism.   So many in the world reject Me, Jesus Christ, at...

October 25, 2013 - Very few people in the world today have any faith or belief in God

25/10/2013 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when people accuse you of spreading fear, through these Messages, then they must understand My true intention. Fear comes from the wickedness of those who are infused with darkness of the soul, who walk amongst you. Your enemies are My enemies. They will create such...

October 24, 2013 - God the Father: This is a Call for the salvation of those of you who will not question the heresies about to be declared

24/10/2013 00:00
My dearest daughter, I come to tell the world that the enemies who roam the Earth, in the guise of those who say they bring the Word of My Son to the masses, have now joined as one. As one, they bring all their powers together and will deface the Earth with their wicked deceit.   I Am ready....
Items: 441 - 450 of 1423
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