Article archive

August 21, 2014 - Mother of Salvation: No man has the authority to harm another man in the Name of God

21/08/2014 00:00
My dear children, when a man persecutes another man and causes him suffering, the Spirit of God cannot remain in that soul for it is the evil one who resides within it. When a man persecutes another, causes him harm, either spiritually or physically and then justifies his actions, by saying that he...

August 18, 2014 - The world is on the cusp of great change

18/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter when God’s children witness strife in the world and terrible atrocities committed in the name of justice, then know this. For evil begets evil. Do onto others and the same will be done onto you. My Justice is inherent and while My Mercy is abundant, My Punishment, when it...

August 17, 2014 - Worry about your own soul first then pray for others.

17/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter let there be no division amongst My Followers in this mission to save souls, for that is the desire of he who hates Me. When my beloved Christian followers divide, and when they fight each other in My Name, this brings Me great sadness. My sorrow is compounded when those...

August 16, 2014 - Mother of Salvation: You may not meet my Son physically but you will get to know Him in every way

16/08/2014 00:00
My dear children many people seek out my Son, Jesus Christ, in their lives, at some time. When a soul discovers my Son, it is a journey of different paths and of different stages that must be walked. When you become close to my Son it will be a struggle and so you must expect this. As you draw...

August 14, 2014 - Those who interfere with the Will of God in His Plan to salvage souls will incur the Wrath of My Father.

14/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter I desire to make it known that those who interfere with the Will of God in His Plan to salvage souls will incur the Wrath of My Father.   When man is given a great gift, through the Divine Will of My Eternal Father, and then throws it back, My Father weeps. But when...

August 13, 2014 - Always be wary of the divisions you witness in the world

13/08/2014 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter the rage of Satan has never been so intense as he inflicts suffering of every kind upon God’s children, in every corner of the world. The greater the disruption the greater is his presence and influence. But he is powerless on his own and it is only through the influence,...

August 13, 2014 - Mother of Salvation: The time for the prophecies of La Salette and Fatima to be fulfilled is very close

13/08/2014 00:00
My dear children, the time for the prophecies of La Salette and Fatima to be fulfilled is very close. You must not fear these times but, rather, embrace them for you must know that My Father’s Covenant will be finally completed as it was meant to be.The antichrist will, eventually, take up his seat...

August 11, 2014 - Christianity will be detested because it will be seen as a block to personal freedom.

11/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter the world is awash with a new form of spirituality comprising of a belief in a superior being – the one they call the christ – but it is not I, Jesus Christ, they refer to. Satan, in the form of Lucifer, referred to as King of the Light, is idolized not as an evil entity...

August 10, 2014 - Ask and you will receive. Remain silent, tight-lipped and I cannot respond to you

10/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter the tides have turned and in their wake will come many changes as foretold. Do not be fearful for I have, many times, given you My Word that all will end with My Great Mercy, which will sweep every soul up into the Light of My Love and Compassion. Fear only My Justice but...

August 9, 2014 - Do not trouble your hearts, argue over Me or try to outwit Me, for this would not serve any purpose

09/08/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter as the storms rage and as peace erupts know that the time is getting close for My Intervention to strike. Man will see disarray wherever he looks and some will say that the time is soon. Until you see wars breaking out in different parts of the world and when new...
Items: 191 - 200 of 1423
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