Article archive

October 24, 2014 - The Hand of God will use the sun to alert the world

24/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the sun is one of the greatest signs when divine intervention is about to be unveiled. When you see changes in the sun; when it seems larger; shines longer and out of season; know that the time is getting closer for My Second Coming.   The Hand of God will use the...

October 23, 2014 - Oh how arrogant is the man who scoffs at My Existence

23/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, for every good deed and act of charity, the forces of the evil one are diluted. For every prayer and suffering, offered up for the souls of those in darkness, evil acts and hatred are eradicated. Know that good deeds, which emanate from every person touched by the Power...

October 21, 2014 - Accept the Truth, given to you in the Book of Revelation

21/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, when prophecies were given to God’s children from the beginning they created fear in the hearts of men. This was because of the doubts that existed in the minds of those who did not believe in God and the comfort that man felt in his natural earthly surroundings. It was...

October 19, 2014 - Mother of Salvation: Blessed are those who will be given the keys of Paradise.

19/10/2014 00:00
My dear child, I am your Mother, the Queen of Heaven. I shower all you who call on me to intercede on your behalf, to ask my Son to protect you, with special graces. All of Heaven prays for humanity at this time, so that the transition into the new world without end, will be smooth. It is my Son’s...

October 18, 2014 - Cursed are those who curse Me

18/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, the evil one has gripped the hearts of many who believe in Me, because of the easy access they give him to their souls.   Satan tempts souls through the senses as well as through the sin of pride. Those who believe that their intelligence, and their knowledge of the...

October 17, 2014 - Mother of Salvation: Many will be stripped of their titles

17/10/2014 00:00
My dear children, please pray for my Son’s loyal sacred servants as future events take place. Many will be stripped of their titles and sent out into the wilderness, in disgrace. Turmoil and confusion will spread within my Son’s Church but the traitors will rise in great numbers and many will...

October 16, 2014 - Hunger of the spirit leaves the soul empty, miserable and lost

16/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, hunger for food that feeds the flesh is a terrible affliction. But, hunger of the spirit, leaves the soul empty, miserable and lost. When a soul distances himself from Me, he will wander and seek out every kind of fulfilment. He will walk to the ends of the earth,...

October 14, 2014 - The Keys of My Kingdom, of the world to come, have been prepared

14/10/2014 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, all that I revealed to the world, through these messages, will be fulfilled. Many of those who know these messages will, sadly, continue to suppress My Word. Others, who are not privy to these messages will oppose My Word, given to them in the Holy Gospels.   I call...

October 12, 2014 - I Am coming for those who are most undeserving of My Mercy, first

12/10/2014 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, I Am the Protector of all God’s children – every single one of you, irrespective of your sex, age or creed. I Am the Protector of My Church on earth and no man will prevail against it. It will remain intact, although many will have deserted Me.   Those who desert...

October 12, 2014 - God the Father: The land will be purified, just as My children will be cleansed of all iniquities

12/10/2014 00:00
My dearest daughter, many changes will come about as the time for the Second Coming of My beloved Son, Jesus Christ, draws closer.   Fear not, My children, for these things must come to pass in order that My children are purified, so they can rejoice when the Day comes for the world without...
Items: 141 - 150 of 1423
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