Article archive

October 13, 2011 - Never defend Me, as it is unnecessary

13/10/2011 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I must inform you of the need to refrain from defending My Most Holy Word.   Those who question My Word must pray to Me for guidance. I Am instructing you now to never attempt to interpret the Messages from My Divine Lips.   I have told you this many times and...

October 12, 2011 - Virgin Mary: You will come under huge scrutiny and attack

12/10/2011 00:00
My child, this is a time that when your Work for my Son you will come under huge scrutiny and attack. You must always honour my Son’s wishes and obey Him at all times. Never defend His Most Holy Word, for He does not wish you to do this. Do not respond to or engage with those who challenge or...

October 11, 2011 - Message for America: Embrace your brothers and sisters of all denominations

11/10/2011 00:00
My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to communicate with the American people. My Message to them is this. You, My precious children, suffer greatly in these times. You are experiencing a cleansing that is necessary in order to purify your souls.   The great sins in America, which torment Me, are...

S-Amerika und Asien

10/10/2011 08:01
Zu unserer Freude gab es bereits 2 Anmeldungen von 2 Schwestern im Gebet, die aus Peru und von S-Korea stammen. Seid uns ganz besonders in unserer Mitte willkommen! - Mögen sich noch viele  Brüder und Schwestern ALLER Kontinente (egal wo sie aktuell leben) berufen...


10/10/2011 07:53
Unser 100. Mitglied, nach 2 Tagen Online-Gang, ist ein weibliches Gebetsmitglied aus der Schweiz. Symbolischerweise aus der Drei-Länder-Region am Bodensee! Ein schönes Zeichen für unsere internationale Verbundenheit! Möge unsere "Armee" für Jesus weiter wachsen und kräftig für seine Anliegen...

Prayer for the poor souls

09/10/2011 19:19
Dear members! Dear visitors of our website! Due to the current message of Jesus about the existence of purgatory and hell (Feast of the Rosary, see  07/10/2011). We would like you all to...

October 8, 2011 - Virgin Mary: The sin of indifference to my Son is rampant

09/10/2011 00:00
(Received during a private apparition of the Blessed Mother, which lasted 30 minutes)   My child, there are so many souls destined for eternal exile, should they not turn back to my precious Son.   My Son suffers greatly in anguish, as He watches these children lurch from one evil path to...

October 9, 2011 - God the Father – Heed now My final calling on mankind

09/10/2011 00:00
My daughter, tell the world of the Love I have for all of My creatures everywhere. Also inform them that I will now mastermind the greatest Act of Divine intervention seen on Earth since the Resurrection of My beloved Son Jesus Christ.   All is prepared for this Great Act of Mercy, which I...

Request for priestly blessing

08/10/2011 23:18
We request most humbly all the priests who visit our website to bless us and all the members of our prayer community, especially our families, and to include us in their daily prayers. In this highly competitive time of faithlessness, we know the might and guarding power of your blessings and...

October 8, 2011 - Era for the multitude of false prophets sent by Satan

08/10/2011 00:01
My dearly beloved daughter, as My genuine visionaries go forth into the world, so also will the false visionaries. You will know them by carefully scrutinizing their messages for the world. For somewhere within, you will find that My Teachings and the Truth contained in the Most Holy Bible have...
Items: 1201 - 1210 of 1423
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