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Jesus to Mankind - Internet Prayer Group

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"Chain of Protection"



Monthly Theme:  The Gift of the Holy Eucharist

The Mass, is a commemoration and reenactment of the Last Supper, which Jesus Christ shared with his disciples on the night before his crucifixion. The Holy Eucharist, undergoes a transformation through transubstantiation in which the bread and wine become the actual body and blood of Christ while retaining the appearance of bread and wine. Our soul is eternal and the spiritual self of each individual created by God the Eternal Father; The Holy Eucharist is the spiritual sustenance and nourishment of our souls, just as physical food nourishes the body, the Holy Eucharist is essential spiritual nourishment that sustains and strengthen our souls on our journey home to our Eternal Father. The act of partaking in the consecrated bread and wine, of the Holy Eucharist is a deep, intimate communion with Jesus bringing spiritual growth and transformation of each individual soul who receives Jesus worthily. The Eucharist is also a remembrance of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. The breaking of bread and sharing of the cup symbolise the body and blood of Christ, offered for the redemption of humanity.


The Main Website of Warning and Second Coming Messages



Official Jesus to Mankind Website


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Please pray for the protection of this The  Mission of Salvation


Join us: on 6th-7th October /12th-13th october Follow us

Leer más: https://www.elgranaviso-mensajes.com/en/

** Please pray 3 Rosaries every day to save your nation **






New prophecies reveal global events in the lead up the to the Second Coming


THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE - predicted by Our Lady in Garabandal in 1961 will take place soon to save the world.


THE WARNING  - New prophecies received by European Visionary reveal global events in the lead up to the Second Coming.


  •  To bring everyone back to Jesus and the way of the truth.
  • To dilute the impact of sin and evil in the world through conversion.
  • To help save us before the final day of judgement by giving us a chance to ask for forgiveness for the sins we have committed.
  • To convert non-believers who would have no chance of redemption without this great act of mercy.
  • To strengthen the faith of believers.


  • Every one over the age of 7 will experience a private mystical encounter with Jesus Christ which will last anything up to 15 minutes.
  • It is a gift from God the Father to convert people back to the truth. It is how the Final Day of Judgement will unfold only this time you will not be condemned. Instead you will be given a chance to ask for forgiveness.
  • Two comets will collide in the sky.
  • People will believe it to be catastrophic worse than an earthquake But it is not – it is a sign that Jesus has come.
  • The sky will turn red it will look like a fire & then you will see a large cross in the sky to prepare you first.
  • Atheists will say it was a global illusion. Scientists will look for a logical explanation but there won't be one.
  • It will be spectacular and will not hurt us because it comes as an act of Love and Mercy from Jesus.
  • Our sins will be shown to us and this will make us feel tremendous sorrow and shame when they are revealed to us. Others will be so sickened and shocked by the way in which their sins will be revealed that they will drop dead before they have a chance to ask for forgiveness.
  • Everyone will see the state of their soul before God – the good they have done in their lives, the grief they have inflicted on others and all that which they failed to do.
  • Many people will fall down and cry tears of relief. Tears of joy and happiness. Tears of wonder and love.
  • For, at last, it will be possible to live a new life thereafter when we know the full truth.
  • Jesus is now asking everyone to pray for those souls who will die of shock who may be in mortal sin. Everyone needs to prepare now. Jesus asks that all ask for the forgiveness of their sins in advance of The Warning.

Two valuable  and recommended articles about the Warning and the Warning-messages:

THE BOOK OF TRUTH - A CRITICAL REVIEW... but a good one.doc (50,5 kB)


Request for blessing

Request for priestly blessing

08/10/2011 23:18
We request most humbly all the priests who visit our website to bless us and all the members of our prayer community, especially our families, and to include us in their daily prayers. In this highly competitive time of faithlessness, we know the might and guarding power of your blessings and...